Chapter 11

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Change in plans. You can boo and hiss at me because Killian's past isn't going to be in this chapter. I'm sorry, but it will come into focus. It will be in the next chapter. And I'm serious this time.

"Killian!" Emma yelled.

He sat straight up. 'I must have fallen asleep on the couch.' He thought. He looked over at the clock on the microwave, which read 3:28 A.M.

"Killian!" She yelled louder.

He ran to the bedroom were Emma was. "What's wrong love?" He asked calmly.

"Get me a throw up bucket." She said.

He ran and got her a mop bucket and held her hair up.

"I'm going to take it that you still aren't feeling well." He said.

When she finished, he brought her a mint, cup of water, and a paper towel. He came into the bedroom again from cleaning the bucket out.

"I'm sorry." Emma said.

He leaned next to her. "For what darling?"

"Waking you up at 3:30 in the morning."

He shook his head. "It's alright." He put his hand on her forehead. "You're burning up love."

She pulled the covers up to her chin. "I'm freezing too."

He got her an electric heating blanket, then laid down next to her. "We'll go to the doctors tomorrow."

She nodded and shivered. He wrapped an arm around her and held her close. Hoping that his body heat would help warm her up. Emma felt completely miserable, and didn't usually like the attention when she was sick, but from Killian it seemed right. Probably because she got attention from him all the time.

She woke up on the Jolly Roger again. She didn't feel sick anymore. Going around the ship, she found Hook and Princess Emma in his cabin kissing. "A pirate and the princess." She whispered under her breath. Smiling, Emma went back above deck and looked out at the calm ocean blue waters. Princess Emma came above deck first.

"Emma! There is something that I have been dying to tell you!" She said running to Emma.

"Slow down princess. Now, before you tell me anything," Emma jumped down and leaned in to the princess's ear. "Congratulations on your new boyfriend."

"You saw that huh?"

"Indeed I did. So, what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

Princess Emma blushed. "That was it."

Emma's smile grew wider. "That's amazing! It's unique. I like it." She looked around at the empty seas. "What are you going to do when the guards find you?"

"Right. Well, that's why we are in a completely different realm."


"Oh that's right. You didn't grow up in a world full of magic, so you don't know. A realm is a different world. It usually has magic, but if it doesn't, a person that has magic can bring an object that does. It's confusing, but you get the gist." Princess Emma said.

"So, this realm. What is it?"

"We are on the outskirts of Oz."

Emma stood in disbelief. "Oz? As in the Wizard of Oz? With a Wicked Witch of the West and flying monkeys?"

Princess Emma nodded. "Indeed. The very ones. Hook made a deal with her I guess. He had to get her these magical slippers that can take you anywhere that you want to go."

"And did he?"

"Of course. All he had to do was drop a house on someone."

Emma laughed. "Now that's interesting."

The princess joined in the laughing, until Emma woke up. She was with Killian, but this time she felt miserable again.

"Of course. Reality which makes you feel like shit." Emma whispered to herself. She looked up and saw her phone lit up. Sighing, she turned over so she was facing Killian. Ignoring the phone that slightly brightened the dark room, she tried to fall asleep, but her nerves were keeping her awake.

"It's okay Swan. I'm here, just go back to sleep." Someone said. It wasn't Killian, because it wasn't his accent. She sat straight up, and looked intently at every corner of the room. 

"Whoever is here, you better come out." Emma said shakily.

Killian stirred and woke up. "Swan? Who are you talking to?"

Emma darted her head to him. "I-I don't know. Someone was talking to me. They were pretending to be you."

He got out of bed and searched the apartment. Anywhere that someone could hide. When he came back into the room, she felt like she was going crazy. 

"I swear somebody was talking to me. I'm not crazy." She said defensively.

"I'm not saying that at all love. It could be because you are sick." He said trying to reassure her.

Emma nodded. "Maybe."

He laid down next to her and wrapped an arm around her. She melted into his arms. 'It's because I'm sick. I am not going crazy.' 

After telling herself that, she fell back asleep. Killian was worried. How much more could she handle? She actually thought that she was going insane, just because of a few voices in her head. When he heard her soft, low snores, he smiled. She was at peace. 

Or that's what he thought.

"Neal, you don't have to do this." Emma said trying to calm him down.

"Shut up! You are the woman. You do not get a say in any of this. In anything that I do." Neal said.

Emma stayed silent. She watched Neal put a t-shirt down on the porch of his father's house. Neal then proceeded to light the shirt on fire. Apparently it was drenched in gasoline, because the whole wooden porch caught fire within thirty seconds. Neal ran down the steps, and got into the car. They drove off, and a knife of guilt twisted in Emma's stomach.

"Did you really have to set your father's house on fire?" She asked looking over at the evil smile on his face.

"I grew up with a bastard as a father. He should suffer like I did." He said not taking his eyes off the road.

"So you are just going to hope that he dies in that house?"

"I know he will. All of the bones in his foot were crushed in some accident. He needs a cane to walk. There is no way that he will make it out of there alive."

Emma looked in the rear view mirror. The yellow and orange flames lit up the sky. She could see the black smoke go up into the sky. In the distance was the sound of the firefighters, but by the time that they would arrive, it would be too late. Rumple Gold would be dead. 

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