Chapter 34

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🚨Warning: To me, this was a sad chapter. I wrote this while crying. You have been warned.🚨

Killian struggled to stand up, so he slowly scooted his way into the bedroom. Regina was the closest to him, so he went over to her. The duck tape was still off of his mouth.

"Untie me, Regina." He said.

She eventually got the knots loose and he untied the ones around his ankles. He then got the duck tape off of Regina's mouth and untied her hands, then moved to his other friends.

"Did he take her?" Regina asked.

Killian stayed quiet. He couldn't talk about how he miserably lost Emma to a lunatic. Regina took Killian's silence as a yes.

Robin bent over to untie his ankles. "What's your plan?"

Killian looked up at him. "I have no clue. I have to find her first. Nobody knows where she could be except for Neal. He's probably done here now that he has her. All I know is that I have to save her. Even if it kills me. She has told me what that monster has done to her and I know he won't hesitate to do it again. The only question is, are you going to help me, or not."

"I think we can all agree that there is more questions than that." Regina said.

Ruby stepped forward. "If you think that I'm not going with you to save my best friend, you are crazy."

Robin and Victor stepped forward as well. Regina looked at all of the people in front of her.

"Well if everyone is stepping up." She said.

Killian grabbed his phone and called his dad. He told Brennan about Emma's abduction. He could hear his father drop what he was doing and run to his car.

"Do you know where they could have possibly taken her?" Brennan asked as he started the car.

"No. I don't know! I want her back." Killian said.

"I know son. We'll find her."

He hung up and sat down to catch his breath. "Maybe we should go back to Maine."

"Why?" Robin asked.

"He might have taken her back there."

"But that's a whole lot of Maine to look in. She is only one person."

"I have to bloody find her! What would you do Robin if Regina went missing? Or you Victor if Ruby went missing? She means everything to me. I don't care if I have to go to the end of the world to do it."

"Killian, we will help you. We're just saying that it's going to take time. We need to involve the police, report her missing, tell them where we think they are going." Victor said.

After filing a report, and it getting plastered over the news, Robin, Ruby, Regina, and Victor went to a hotel. Killian had Emma's red leather jacket in his arms as he thought about her. He was going to do everything he could to get her back. He looked over and her phone sat on the side table. Everything that she had last touched that belonged to her, he hadn't replaced her touch. He grabbed her phone and saw that the lock screen was a picture of them decorating the Christmas tree together. A tear fell onto the screen. He wiped it away and put the passcode in. The majority of the pictures were of him and her together. The memories that they shared. He took his phone and called hers. He let it go to the voicemail so he could hear her voice.

"This is Emma Swan. I'm not available at the moment so please leave a message and I'll return your call." She said on the recording.

"Damn right you aren't available. I will find you Emma." And with that, he fell asleep with her pillow in his arms.

Emma was thrown into a room that had no windows. There was a thin mattress laid out on the floor. Neal tied her up by one arm. The chain was long enough to go around the room at least twice. She saw a television in the corner of the room too.

"If I'm your prisoner, why is there a tv in the corner?" She asked.

He smiled at her. "So you can see that there isn't anyone looking for you. If there are, well, the news reporters are going to be interviewing your friends and your boyfriend. You can see how upset they are. You will be able to see the look of desperation on their faces." Neal slammed the door shut and she curled up on the mattress. Her last thoughts were of Killian. How was he doing? She knew he was looking for her, but not in the right places.

A few days later, Emma had enough time to look around. Neal and Will gave her food, water, clean clothes, and access to a shower whenever she wanted. She was trapped in the room all day. The only thing to do was flip through the television channels. She came across the news channel, but couldn't bring herself to change it. She saw Killian on the screen. Tears welled in her eyes.

"Do you have any clue to who might have taken her, Mr. Jones?" The news reporter asked.

Killian looked directly at the camera. "Aye. I know exactly who took her. And if those men are watching this right now, I want them to know that I am looking for Emma. Nothing they do will keep me from her. I want her home. That's all I ask."

She could see the tiredness in his eyes. He wasn't sleeping at night and she knew it. Then, something came to her mind. Killian was on the news station that played in Maine. He was in Ohio when she left. 'He's in Maine! He is looking in the right places!' She thought happily.

"I will come back to you Killian. I love you. I'll never stop loving you." She said to the television.

Neal opened the door and looked at her. "You'll never see him again. One of you will die first. I'll see to that."

"You won't kill me. You won't kill him either. You wanted me to yourself. You worked so hard, you won't throw all of that hard work away by killing me, will you? You won't kill him either because you want him to suffer." Emma said. She knew she was winning the battle.

"People have to make sacrifices. If I kill you, he will be in even more pain. His would be amusing."

"You're bluffing."

He took a gun out and pointed it to her head. "Am I?"

Welcome to Cliffhanger Point! Mwhahahahahaha

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