Chapter 27

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'We had a deal Emma. You wouldn't tell him. I know that you are too scared to tell the police, and that's when the pieces of the puzzle came into place. You know about what happened last time.'

Neal texted Emma. She sat on the bed and re-read it over and over again in her head. Emma sat on the bed with her phone in her hands. What was he planning to do this time? This question popped up almost everyday. She was tired of asking herself this. A gust of wind from the open window hit her skin. She shivered and went over to it. She put her hands on the base of the window and started tugging down, but a whisper made her stop.


She looked down at the dark world below her. No one was there.

"Emma Swan..."

She slammed the window shut and backed away from it until her back hit the wall. Emma slid down the wall and put her head in her hands. She stared at the window that was locked and the curtains over top of it. "I will fight you. You won't win Neal Cassidy. I won't let you hurt the person I love. You can beat me, hurt me, kill me, but for the love of God. Don't touch him." She said glaring at the window.

Pounding on the front door was heard all the way into the bedroom. She wiped the tears off her cheeks and went to the bedroom door. Emma cracked it open and saw Killian who was looking and talking to someone on the other side. She watched him through the small crack and he opened the door wider. His father walked in with a bag slung over his shoulder.

"I'm so worried about Emma, father. I don't want her to get hurt." Killian said.

"I know son, but that's why I'm here. I will protect you two. I love you, Killian and your girlfriend. As a daughter and father in law relationship way of course," Killian let out a small laugh. "I don't want to see either of you two hurt at the hands of anybody let alone a teenager."

Emma smiled. She was being accepted into the Jones family. Well, at least by his dad. She shut the door and fixed her makeup then went to the living room.

"Killian." She nodded at him then looked to his father. "Mr. Jones."

"It's Brennan. Please, call me Brennan." He said.

"How are you feeling Swan? Anything from Neal on your phone?"

Emma nodded. She handed him her phone and showed him the text. Killian handed the phone to his father and they both looked at Emma.

"I am here to protect you both. As soon as Neal knows that I am here, he will leave you alone." Brennan said patting Killian on the back.

Emma's phone vibrated in Killian's hand. "Maybe you should take that back dad."

Brennan snatched the phone from his son's hand and read it for himself.

'I know who you are Brennan Jones. Killian's daddy. You are there to protect Emma and Killian because he can't do it himself. He's as pathetic as are you.'

Emma took her phone as Brennan handed it back to her. "We have to find the cameras and the microphones in this house. Not one crack unchecked. Anything that doesn't look like something that you owned before you moved here, burn it."

They all got to work. Emma went over to a plastic plant that sat in the corner of the room. She looked in the leaves and in the pot but found nothing. As she was about to turn away, a red blinking light caught her eye. She reached to the light and pulled out a small black device. She knew it was a camera.

"Killian! Brennan! I found one!" Emma called out. The two men ran out from the bathroom and bedroom and to her. She held it out and they looked at it.

"Good job Swan!" Killian said kissing her head. "We just have to find the rest."

"Have you guys had any luck?" Emma asked.

"Not yet." Brennan said inspecting the tiny camera.

Emma walked over to the light switch and shut the lights off. "Look for any little red dots. That's how I found this one."

The guys nodded and looked around. They searched for 20 more minutes in the living room but only found four more cameras. Killian went into the bathroom and looked in there. He switched the light off and was mortified.

"Emma!" He yelled.

She came running in and Brennan followed her. "What's wrong? Did you find anymore?" Emma asked.

"In a way I did. Look." Killian said pointing to the shower. There were four cameras on the shower rings that held the curtain up. Each were in a different angle to capture every way a person would move while taking a shower.

Emma raised her hand to her mouth in shock. "E-every shower that I took. H-he saw me."

Her phone rang in her pocket. It wasn't a text but a phone call. With shaking hands, Emma pulled the phone from her pocket. "It's him."

"Put it on speaker love." Killian said.

Emma did as she was told and set her phone down in fear that she was going to drop it on the tile.

"H-hello?" Emma stuttered.

Neal and Will laughed in the background. "I see you went on a scavenger hunt. Did you see what we did? It certainly did more than what we expected."

Emma's stomach turned. She felt like throwing up. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I want you Emma. Nothing and nobody is going to keep you away from me. I will always be with you. In dreams, memories, even in the physical form. You are mine. But with this, you now know that I am stronger than your boyfriend. You've seen it when you were with me, now, and when I killed my father."

"I wouldn't say that he is dead. Didn't you see him when you were in Storybrooke? He was alive. I guess you can't kill people as well as you thought." Killian said.

Emma smacked him.

"I guess that I'm going to have to finish the job. But! I want you there watching me when I place a bullet in between his eyes. Sweet dreams, Swan."

With that, the phone call ended. She pushed Killian and Brennan out of the bathroom and slammed it shut. She ran to the toilet and threw up. She felt her hair being raised off of her back and being held. She also felt a hand gently running up and down her back.

"It's okay Swan. You're okay." Killian said.

Emma finished up and wiped her mouth. Killian got her a glass of water and she took small sips.

"It doesn't bother you when I call you by your nickname, does it?" He asked rubbing circles around on her knee.

"Not from you. I love it when you say it, but with Neal, it's repulsive."

Killian nodded. Brennan ran in with a few more cameras in his hands.

"I think that these are the last of them. What do you want to do with them?"

Emma whipped her head up and smiled at Brennan. "We have some researching to do."

What do you think Emma is planning to do?

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