Chapter 33

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Emma walked back into the bedroom and slammed the door. Regina and Ruby looked up and saw the anger that was clearly evident on her face.

"What happened?" Regina asked.

Emma told them both the plan that Killian had made up and they were outraged.

"Why would he think that you would be okay with this?" Ruby asked.

"I don't know. He thinks that he can solve all of my problems himself. Neal is a skilled criminal. There is no way that we can actually be one step ahead of him. He sees every move we make." Emma said sitting down on the bed.

Her phone buzzed with a new text message. Regina read it from the lock screen.

'And hear every word you say.'

Emma groaned and there was a knock on the door.

"Go away Killian!" Emma yelled.

"It's not Killian." The person said. The door swung open and Neal came into the room.

Regina and Ruby jumped in front of Emma, but he knocked them both to the ground with one swift movement. Will walked in after Neal did and tied Regina and Ruby up. He grabbed Emma by the hair and brought her out to the kitchen where Killian sat tied up too. His eye was swollen and there was duck tape on his mouth. Robin and Victor weren't in sight.

"What do you want Neal?" Emma asked looking at Killian. He was struggling against the ropes that bound his wrists and feet together.

"You. I also want to see him suffer." Neal whispered in her ear.

"What did he do to you?"

"He stole you away from me. What you two have, isn't love. It looks like it in the beginning but it slowly fades away and dies. What we had though Emma, that was real. We are meant to be."

Killian growled something but it was muffled by the duck tape.

Emma thought of something. She turned to Neal and grabbed the collar of his shirt. She brought his lips to hers in a kiss. Killian shut his eyes. To even think about her kissing the man they both hated was repulsive, but to actually see it was even more disgusting.

She pulled away and looked into Neal's eyes. "You don't kiss like Killian does. It's bitter. His are sweeter. Gentler." Killian's eyes opened and he looked at the two people in front of him. "You are rotten Neal. I loved you once, but how I felt wasn't how I feel with Killian."

Neal grabbed her by her hair and kissed her again. Much like before, her eyes remained open. He pushed her away and grabbed her wrist. "It's time to go."

Tears welled in her eyes. "Let me say goodbye. Please."

Neal nodded. "Five minutes Emma. That is all you get."

She nodded and ran back into the bedroom where Regina and Ruby were with Robin and Victor.

"I'm going with Neal to make sure that you all remain safe. I love you all. You gave me the best memories that any girl could hope for. Thank you for being there for me." She walked to Ruby and gave her a hug. Then Regina, Robin, and Victor. "Please don't ever think that I didn't want to do this, because I don't. I can't let you die." She walked out of the bedroom and back out into the kitchen. She heard the muffled screams of her friends, but there was nothing else she could do. She walked over to Killian and removed the duck tape from his mouth.

"Swan, please don't do this. I can't lose you." He said looking at her.

"I have to. I can't let this go on." Emma said.

He put his forehead to hers. "I love you Emma Swan. I will find you."

She shook her head. "Don't. I know you will be able to move on. I'm sorry I backed out of our plans. You were everything that I ever wanted. I love you."

"I can't let you go. I'll never be happy again."

"You are going to have to. I believe in you Killian. Everything will turn out okay for you."

They kissed again. He pulled away first. "I love you too."

"Goodbye Killian. Thank you for doing everything you did for me. I will never forget it. You made me feel like the only girl in the world. Make sure you do that with your next."

"No! Don't say goodbye. I will see you again and we will pick up right where we left off."

"I'm afraid your not going to do that." Neal said.

Tears were steaming down both Killian and Emma's faces. She stood up and he squirmed and screamed. Neal kicked him in the ribs and he quieted down. He grabbed Emma's wrist and whistled for Will. He came out and they dragged Emma out of the apartment and to the waiting car in the alleyway. He eyes left left Killian's as she was being forced away.

"Welcome to your new life, Emma." Neal said evilly.

"It won't be a life. It will be hell. You will be caught one day. When you do, you will get the death penalty. You enjoy your existence so much that once it's gone, you both will rot in the worst parts of hell." Emma said.

"We shall see." Will said.

They drove and drove until they got to an abandoned house in the woods. She stepped out of the car and Neal put a gun to the back of her head.

"If you even try to run or scream, I will shoot you. Walk!"

Emma did and they followed her. "Where are we?" She asked.

"Back in Maine. Welcome home." Neal said.

Okay, short chapter. And a very sad one too. I cried while writing this.

There will be a few more chapters in this book. I am planning on doing a third book for the Found series after I finish this one.

Neal and Will are crazy! Let me know what you thought about this chapter in the comments and don't forget to vote!

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