Chapter 31

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For the next three months, Neal and Will had stopped their attacks, but always kept their presence known. It was now the first day of Christmas break, and Killian was carrying Emma through the hall and to their apartment.

"Killian! Put me down!" Emma giggled.

"It's the first day of Christmas break, love. What did you want to do?" He asked as he skillfully unlocked the door with her still in his arms.

"Sleep or Netflix."

He chuckled and set her down on the couch. "I think we should put the finishing touches on the Christmas tree." He walked over to the closet and pulled out the ornament box. He opened it up and put a few more ornaments on it. Emma stood up and joined him.

The tree was a green tree with colored lights on it. A gold star that had lights on it was sitting at the top. Gold tinsel was around the tree and a beautiful red and gold glittered skirt was at the bottom on the floor. She grabbed her phone and took a picture of herself and Killian decorating it. He saw the flash out of the corner of his eye and saw Emma taking pictures. He smiled and she took another picture of him. She turned around to put her phone down, but when she turned back around, he had something in his hand.

"Look Swan, mistletoe!" He said holding it up.

"The tradition is to kiss under it." She said grabbing it from him.

"Why do we need a plant to tell us when to kiss?"

She thought about it for a moment before throwing it over her shoulder. "Screw the mistletoe." She said and pressed her lips to his.

When he pulled away, he noticed a letter on the floor sitting in front of the door. He walked over and picked it up and he ripped it open while Emma watched him. His eyes darted across the page. He tensed up and dropped the letter and ran into the bedroom. She followed him in and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw what he saw.

A plastic bag sat on the bed. She looked over at him and he raised his eyebrow in suspicion. He stepped closer to it but Emma grabbed his arm and pulled him away. "You don't know what's in that!"

He looked at her and nodded. "You're right love." He left the room and came back with a frying pan. He handed it to her and she looked at it.

"Is this to hit the thing that could be in the bag or to hit you?"

Killian glared at her. "Ha ha very funny." He walked over to the bag and opened it. There was a shoe box inside of it.

Emma raised the frying pan up ready to hit it if something came out of the box. Killian opened the lid and there was just a bunch of different things inside. Emma walked over to it and noticed it was a box of her things from when she was still together with Neal and things that she had gotten rid of after she met Killian. He picked up something and she saw that it was a picture. A frown broke out onto his face. She looked down and the picture was of her and Neal when they first met. Their foreheads were touching and they were both smiling. He placed the picture down and grabbed the small swan pendant. He looked up at her and she was still staring at it.

"He gave this to you?" Killian asked.

"Yea." Emma said. Tears forming in her eyes. "We were so happy when he gave it to me." She shook her head and grabbed it from Killian's hand. She threw it in the box and put the lid back on. She grabbed the box and took it into the kitchen and put it in the garbage.

"That's your memories Swan." He said emerging from the bedroom.

"But those aren't our memories." She waved her hand between her and Killian. "That is stuff that I want to forget." She said gesturing to the box in the trash. She picked her phone up and opened it up to the picture of her and him decorating the Christmas tree that sat in the corner of the room. "These are the things that I want to remember forever. Ones of us."

He walked over to her and picked her up and spun her around. She was back on her feet in time for the door to swing open to reveal Regina, Ruby, Victor, and Robin. Emma and Killian pulled away and went over to their friends. They were engulfed in hugs by everyone.

"It's so good to see you guys again!" Emma said stepping away.

"You too. We miss you so much!" Ruby said hugging Emma again.

"We miss you too." Killian said.

"How is everything here?" Regina asked.

Emma and Killian fell silent. They looked at their friends that had confused expressions on their faces.

"Neal is here." Emma said.

Ruby and Regina's eyes widened. "For how long?" Regina asked.

"Since we moved here." Killian said wrapping his arm around Emma protectively.

"And you haven't bothered to tell us?" Robin asked.

"We didn't want to bother you. I couldn't let you guys get back into this. A few months ago one of our friends almost got shot." Emma said.

"Thanks for telling us. Now, we won't be leaving until it's time to go back to school. Hell, we can transfer schools." Ruby said.

"That won't be necessary. Not that I don't want you guys here, it's just that I really don't want you getting hurt." Emma said desperately trying to get it across to them that she wouldn't lose them.

"Lets just talk about something else." Victor said grabbing Ruby's hand.

They led them inside further but all conversation was dropped when an envelope was slid under the door. Killian let go of Emma and picked up the letter. Robin and Victor went over to him and read the letter over his shoulder. They all turned back around at the same time and looked at the girls.

"He knows that they are back." Killian whispered.

I know that it is pretty late for a Christmas chapter, but it's my book and I had to do something for the holiday.

I hope you all had a good New Year. If 2015 wasn't your year, I hope 2016 will be.

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