Chapter 10

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Emma and Neal ran out of the gas station. She didn't like to steal, but she had to survive. They jumped in the car and sped away.

"Neal when are we going to get a real place? I don't want want to live in the car forever." Emma said.

"Emma babe, listen. We can't get a real place until your parents get off our trail." Neal said.

Parents. Emma sure missed her parents. She had walked out and ran away. Away from them. Neal snapped his fingers causing Emma to snap out of her trance.

"You know what happens when you don't listen to me!" He yelled.

Neal seemed to have anger issues, and a bipolar disorder. It was like he had an alternate ego, but the anger one won out more.

"Were you thinking about your parents again?" He asked angrily.

Emma nodded, then the car came to an abrupt halt.

"Parents are not important! They only keep you back from doing what you want or need to do! We won't be happy until we get those thoughts of your fucking parents out of your head!"

"I'm sorry! I-it won't happen again." Emma said. Fear racking through her body.

"This is the last time Emma!"

She nodded and looked out the window. They were hidden in the woods. Her "home." She got out and grabbed the money and the food that they had stolen at the gas station. Neal covered the car up with leaves and twigs.

"You go into the bedroom and wait for me." He said. It was more of a command.

Emma nodded. She knew what was going to happen to her.

She opened her eyes and got a look of her surroundings. She was in her apartment with Killian still beside her. Holding her hand. She removed her hand and hugged him, but when she pulled back, he was clenching his jaw.

"I was talking, wasn't I?" Emma asked.

Killian nodded. "I'm so sorry."

She shook her head. "Don't be. You didn't do it."

"It pisses me off that I wasn't there for you."

"We've been over this. You didn't even know me. There was nothing you could have done anyway. He made me swear that I wouldn't tell the police. Ever. I put myself in that. I chose to run away with him. I gave myself the shitty past."

"Well that's the one thing we have in common then. Shitty pasts."

"Yea. So, maybe we should check out the tree house that he made in the woods."

"And where would that be?"

"Back in Maine. Near Boothbay Harbor."

Killian nodded. "Great. Just great! We have no way back there until at least Thanksgiving."

Emma took a deep and shaky breath.

"Are you sure that there wasn't anywhere else you went love?" He asked looking over at her.

She looked up at him. "No. Don't put me back there."

"Swan only you can put yourself back there. If you want to go back into your head you can. I will not force you to do anything that you don't want to do. I think you know that by now."

"Maybe later?"

"Whenever you want."

She nodded again. It was terrible the first time when she went through it, and it was as if she was reliving it again by digging the memories out that she tried so hard to bury. Her past wasn't one of the best. She put her fingertips to her forehead, and was surprised to find that she was sweating.

"Killian, I'm gonna go lay down. I'm a little tired." Emma said.

"Okay love. Sweet dreams." He said.

Emma stood up from the couch, and she wobbled on her feet. Her legs felt like Jello.

"Swan? You alright?" He asked standing up and putting his hands around her ready to catch her if she fell.

"Yea. Just... Dizzy." Emma picked her foot up, but started falling forwards.

"Woah woah woah." Killian caught her and picked her up bridal style. "And it's off to bed you go." He said.

"Killian. Something's wrong." She said out of breath.

"If you aren't feeling better when you wake up, then we will go to the hospital, okay?" He asked setting her down on the bed.

Emma nodded and with help, laid down. Killian covered her up and kissed her head.

"You're going to be okay Swan."

He went out into the living room and sat down, but as soon as he did, there was a knock at the door. He stood up and looked through the peephole, and saw his father. He placed his hand on the door knob, but then his father spoke.

"Come out of there you bastard of a girl!"

Rage filled Killian's chest, arms, legs, well just about every part of his body. He swung the door open.

"It's bad form to talk about a lady in such of a disrespectful way, father." Killian said confidently.

"Killian. I-I-I didn't know, I wasn't sure if you lived here." Mr. Jones stuttered.

"Save it. We are not family. I may be your flesh and blood, but we are nothing alike. I will never be like you mate."

"Let me talk to you. Please."

"No father. You lost that right when you left me, Liam, and mom. Not to mention what happened before." Killian used the word father mockingly.

"Don't you see son? I'm here to make up for what I've done."

Killian thought for a moment. Did this man deserve a chance? Of course. Everyone deserves a second chance. No matter what you've done. You just have to know whether to take it, and make the best of it. "You have one chance. Just one. You do one thing that brings out the monster that, I don't know if it's still in there, you are done."

Killian's father nodded his head. "You won't regret this son."

"And that means forgiving Emma."

He nodded his head. "Anything. Now, is Liam here?"

Killian tensed. "No. He passed away in a car accident."

"Oh. Alright."

The conversation became awkward. Mr. Jones and Killian went their separate ways, but it was far from the last time that they were going to see each other. Killian sat down on the couch.

"What have I done?"

Ello! I'm planning to get Killian's past out next chapter. Warning though guys. It's going to need a mature audience. I'll announce it in the next chapter also.

I'm not familiar with the Maine area, so I'm not sure if Boothbay Harbor is near a wooded area, but if not, then let's pretend that it is!!! After all, this is a fictional story.

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