Growing up

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Little Tati is turning 1 years old. They is having a princess party for her at the house. Tati is talking but in ways babies say.

So right now she was sleep in KC and Hakeem's bed (even though she got her own room, she likes to sleep with her mom and dad). KC was getting her clothes ready. Hakeem had called up everyone, this was the day the twins can come home so they can come see her.

Then a few minutes later hear comes little Tati crying in the room. So KC get up and see her

Tati was crying a lot

KC:"hey some one cranky"

She picked her and Tati was still crying

KC had walked Tati in the kitchen to get a fresh new bottle (she can hold her bottle). KC sat on the couch with Tati and gave her her bottle.

A few minutes later Hakeem came in the house

Hakeem:"hey baby"

He kissed her on the lips

Hakeem:"hey daddy's little girl"

He got Tati out of KC's hands and she still had her bottle

Hakeem:"everything set"
KC:"ok now time to decorate the house"
Hakeem:"what princess she like"
KC:"let's say Elsa from frozen"

Skip time

Now it was Tati party. The whole family and friends was here. There was kids Tati age she was here she was over there playing with them

5 hours later party over. The twins had fun seeing Tati and when the party was over they had to leave they had school.

KC had got Tati and put her in the bed with them

And everyone went to sleep

I know this is a short chapter but I couldn't think of anything




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