Toni romiti

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As you all know this is Toni romiti. She is a singer and she used to vine and she is super cool to hang out with. She is KC's first best friend they is rod's and diaries.

Toni is signed with another company. How her and KC meet was when they was at the mall. KC was excited because she loved Toni romiti (no homo). So she decided to take a picture with her. She did and then they talked for a while.

They got to get to know each other. Toni romiti is KC's favorite artist she was so happy that she got a chance to talk and meet her in real life. Y'all know KC don't do all that girly stuff she want to keep it cool but this time she did it with Toni romiti.

After a while, they was really close they tell each other everything and they have each other backs. So when ever they need someone to talk or to cry too they have each other.

And like I said KC don't do all that she play it cool to not embarrass herself but when she saw Toni she was freaking out. They both have a lot in common, they both sing, did funny vines, and wear cute styles.

And there you have it her very first best friend, rod, and diary. Some more is coming up next hope you like it so far

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