Chapter 15: Confrontation

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I finally felt back to my normal self within a few days. The emotion breakdown definitely did take a toll on me. It seemed that Ren has become soft. I didn't like it. It felt... Wrong. That wasn't who he was. He shouldn't be that way. He can't be that way.

"Hey." He peeked his head in. He made it a regular routine to check up on me every morning and night.

"Hey." I jumped out of bed, with only an tunic-style top revealing almost the very top of my legs. He scanned my legs as I crossed them embarrassingly. He said nothing. We both just looked into each other's eyes from a distance in silence. Then finally, he spoke.

"How would you feel if you would like to train today? You certainly haven't been training in a while."

I chuckled lighthearted. "Sure." A red glow flushed my face. He left me to change and meet him once again in the Training Room. As I opened the door, my eyes are immediately met with Ren's exposed torso. He was bare. His muscles flexing as he wielded his saber, sweat dripping down his back.

So that is what he truly looks like when he is fighting. Damn.

"So. What are we doing today?"

He stopped suddenly, clearing his throat. "Hand to hand combat."

"Yay. My favorite." I monotonous whispered. Just then, I saw on the corner of my eye, a fist aiming for me. I ducked it just in time. While ducking, I whipped my leg wiping him out. But he grabbed my arm to jab me in the back. So we pulled were wiper out to the floor. He groaned out in pain but I was okay, just a headache for our heads collided but I had a softer landing. I rolled off of him onto my back.

"Thanks a lot." I did a jump flip onto my feet. He still laid there, shirtless, with one hand on his abdomen and the other by his side. I reached my arm out in order to help him up. He put his hand being my elbow and we locked arms. As I pulled him up, he collapsed into my arms.

"Whoa! Hey there big boy."

He smirked and chuckled, "You weren't the one who got wiped out." Just then, he hooked his arm around my waist and flipped me onto my back to the ground. He let me go, smirked and walked off.

Shit. Really?

Yes really.

He invaded my thoughts! I jumped back up again and charged at him but he whipped out a saber, pointing it to my neck, causing me to stop to a complete halt.

"What are you doing?" I gulped.

The saber was deactivated, he flipped it into the air making the end of it facing me. He handed it to me. "That is yours. Yours to keep. Yours for battle."

I hesitated. "What you mean? For battle?"

He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You are now my right hand man, er, woman."

I chuckled at the stutter. "So," finally grabbing the saber, "I'm now part of the First Order?" I activated the beautiful saber. It was red. The sigh of the Dark side. My plan was working. He was entrusting me to be his companion.

He left me alone to get myself familiarize with my new weapon. As I wielded it, slicing the rubber dummy in front of me. As I held the red saber before my eyes, I felt it calling to me. I felt it. And I hated it. But I loved it.

My thoughts were interrupted by a Stormtrooper. "Ma'am, you are needed at once by General Hux."

"Very well then." I lowered my saber and followed the trooper to the helm of the ship.

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