Chapter 14: Fear

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Kylo Ren

As I peeked my head into the chamber of Kahsow, I expected to find her on her bed. But she wasn't. A sickening feeling sunk into my stomach. I slowly widen the door then the lighting from the outside shined right on her. There she was. Shivering, dried up tears, cold to the touch. I rushed to by her side.

"Kahsow," I spoke in a hushed tone trying not to startle her.

She moaned. I went to pick her up, she was freezing. I was scared.

I'm taking her to Medical.

"Don't call me Kahsow," she slurred. Her eyes struggled to open. As I wrapped one arm behind her back, the other under her legs. I could feel the cold skin on her back. I worried for her life. As I rushed to Medical, I looked down at her. She went silent. Not a stir, moan, or whimper. She looked dead.

She can't be.

As I laid her down on the medical slab, her body laid there so unlifelike. As the MN-4 robot looked over her, he said nothing.

"What's wrong with her? Is she?"

He beeped then in his robotic voice, "Is she Force-Sensitive?"

"Yes," I hesitantly said.

"I cannot do anything. She had blocked any chances for me to review her. All we can do now is just warm her up." He beeped once more. "Take her back to her chamber, warm her up and hope for the best."

As I slid her off, with a blanket covering her, I released a slight whimper to her ear. As I walked her back to the chamber, I thought.

I have to give her freedom. She must be exhausted of being followed around, told what to do. She isn't a servant, a slave. I'm not her lord. She is her own lord. Why must I feel this way? We both are battling the same thing but she-she is stronger.

As I gently laid her out on her bed, hair fell across her face. I raised a finger to tuck it behind her ear. I looked at her soft cold face. Hoping I would see some color come back but nothing. I sat myself down at the foot of the bed, rubbing my hands together in distress.

A few hours later, she hasn't even had the slightest stir motion. I began to worry even more. I got up and paced back and forth. I stopped right where she was directly in my line of vision. I stared at her beautiful, motionless, cold body. I took my helmet, cloak and boots off. Still keeping my tunic and pants on, I slid under the covers in hopes maybe it would warm her.


As I began to stir, I could feel someone moving besides me. But my eyes wouldn't allow sight. I mumbled, "Ren?"

I heard a heavy sigh as if he was happy to heard my voice. "Kahs, don't stir too much. Don't move, I'll-," I stopped him. "No. Just stay here. I'm tired," I took a breathy breath, "of being left alone." I placed my hand on his clothed chest. He was warm. I still was shivering. "Just stay."

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