Help! Questions! News!

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You Guys!!!!!!!

I need help. I love my covers for both books, this and Integrity Unleashed. But... I want this book and IU get big for this year's Wattys. I want you to send me your fan arts, covers, one shots, inspired scenes of Ben and Kahsow.

Also I have some ideas and plans for this book and partially for IU. One idea is a sit down with moi and the two main characters, Kahsow and Ben. Maybe even, I get enough questions for Finn, Rey, and Po, I'll include them. 😉

One plan is major editing on this book. Lord knows this needs it. I do not know when I will start editing but I'll try not to change the plot. It'll more just adding more details, making the sentences more eloquent, and the scenes more interesting. I wrote this when I first joined and I was so scared of showing my writing to the world. But that leads to my next topic!


January marks my one year anniversary here on Wattpad! So I want to just say,

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

If it wasn't for y'all, I wouldn't probably be on here anymore. But your kind words helped me. I would like dedicate this book to a friend who used to be on here and helped me with my plot, helped me design my character, and other things. I love you, baby. 😘

I also would just like to shoutout to a few readers who had been faithful by reading, commenting, voting this book along IU. But there's too many to name! So if you're reading this, you know who you are! 😉

 But there's too many to name! So if you're reading this, you know who you are! 😉

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Go follow me at my Twitter! I'm not active but maybe... if I had y'all on there! 😏

With much love,

🖤💙🖤 Jay 🖤💙🖤

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