Chapter 5: Fear

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"I'm worried, Finn. She hasn't made any attempt to speak to me." My nerves were shot after not hearing from Kahs for so long.

"Don't worry." Finn tried to smooth me while pulling me into his arms, with my head on his shoulders, "Don't worry." But I couldn't stop worrying for my sister.

"Ladies," Poe peeked his head in with his signature smirk on his face.

"Poe. Stop that, seriously." Finn scolded just as I tensed up.

"Rey, Finn, and Poe, please report to General Organa's chamber." A announcement was made over the loudspeaker. A glimmer of hope welled up in me as I took off in front of Finn and Poe.

The three of us made our way to the chamber upon the request. We all looked at each other, just wondering what was on the other side of this door. Then it opened. General was leaning against the wall in sadness.

"What's wrong," I cut the awkward silence, walking towards her in order to comfort her.

"It's disturbing me. There is something that is not sitting right with me. You have to go," her meek voice filled with confusion and sadness.

"If I may ask, General, where do we have to go?" Poe's face frowned in confusion.

"To get Kahs. Something is wrong within her. Something is wrong."

I stopped in my tracks to my surprise. "Wait, no, no, how are you able to feel her? She was supposed to suppress the Force!"

"I know but Luke feels it too. Something is not right."

"Then we must at once." Finn blurted out.

"Yes," with a firm grip on Rey, "but you, you have to be careful. Do not become upset at the sight." General Leia warned.

I sighed in fear of what laid in store.


Hey guys! Sorry that this is a short and quick chapter but I'm writing on the next one as I type. Haha but I wanted to kind of show that something is wrong with Kahs but the next chapter is going to show a little bit more in depth of what could be going on.

Thank you so much taking your time to read!

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