Chapter 3: Village

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"Ah, we're here," a relaxed Poe sighed. His legs were up on the ship controls and his arms behind his head.

"Don't get too comfortable, you know we still have work to do," snapped Finn who was busy trying to get the ship in order to exit Hdyrospace. He radioed the base and told them of our arrival. They called back telling him where to land. So Poe and Finn did their thing and we landed without a problem. Rey, BB-8, and I walked to the hanger and waiting for the door to open. Once it did, the sun hit us both; causing us to squint our eyes.

We all walked to where we were told to be at so we were to be greeted by the General Leia, who was widely known for her tactfulness and grace.

"Hello to all," her meek but yet so commanding voice entered through our ears.

"Oh, how nice is it to see you again!" Rey joyously spoke.

"Yes," as usual, she was always one to get straight to the point, "but no time for getting reacquainted. We must figure something out." She gestured for us to walk, "We are losing every precious minute if we do not something. This is a grave situation."

"What is the death toll, General?" I sorrowfully asked.

"Unknown but possibly in the thousands if you count civilians." A silence fell amongst us.

"And, he hasn't-," "No." Leia cut Rey off with a pain in her gentle voice. My heart clenched for her and her situation. I couldn't imagine it.

As the corridor doors opened, we can see dozens talking, pointing, looking at holograms. Voices overlapped each other. Some good, some bad, and some scared. But all eyes turned to General and they all stood up in unison. She tilted her head in acceptance. We all gathered around the Base Table to discuss formations, questions, tactics, everything military related.

Voices started up again. General simply listened, watched, and studied. Rey and I looked around to see exactly what was going on. As I looked at the plans, something clicked. Finally, I spoke up." I wonder."

Silence fell upon us and that terrified me.

"What, Kahs? What is your idea?" One of the captains spoke up.

"Maybe you could plant a insider on the base to get the plans?"

"And get killed? Not happening." One captain shot me down quickly.

"Captain, know your place," Leia snapped, "continue. What do you have in mind?"

"What if, I was to get captured and I can illifitrate the base, find its weaknesses and strengths and I can relay them through Rey. Through the Force." I explained with a slight tremor in my voice.

"That could work but Ren will know, wouldn't he?" Finn spoke up worried for my life. He and I look at each other like brother and sister so I was touched but this wasn't a time to be touched in the heart.

I took a deep breath to relax the flow to be able to get just two words out. "I have the ability to shut the Force down inside of me. I can... what's the best word...? Surpress it." Rey's eyes and so did Leia's widened. Rey pulled me outside of the room just as the room echoed again with voices.

In a hushed tone, "That's impossible. And you are not going, its a suicide mission. What if you let go of the hold and he senses it?"

"'What if' I don't let go? All of those side training sessions for me? This is why." She let go of me as I explained.

Her mouth gaped as she whispered. "I can't believe you didn't tell me."

"I didn't even know until Master Luke pulled me aside after a week on the island. I can do this. All you need to do is do not block me." I firmly told in a whisper. "Trust me." Gently, I squeezed her hands.

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