Chapter 2: Disturbed

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The laughter of this particular group echoes through the Millienum Falcon. BB-8's beeping is in tuned with the droning of the engines as he sleeps peacefully in the hanger. Rey and I yawns in unison. I stretched while Rey place her head on Finn's shoulder. He looks down at her with adoration swimming in his eyes.

"You guys must be tired, huh?" Poe cut the unusual silence.

"It's hard training with a Jedi who ran away." Rey reply with a stretcher out yawn at the end.

All of sudden, I felt the Force inside becoming much more presented. "You feel it?" As I turned sharply to Rey, I knew she felt it as well with the alertness in her eyes.

"Yeah. Someth-," she was interrupted by blasting sounds and the ship shaking rather violently.

Finn unbuckled himself from his chair and began to run out of the cockpit. "Better strap in, girls!" Finn hollered as he ran to the ship's gun machines. BB-8 began to whistle excitedly as he rolled around with the ship.

The battle has began again.

As we entered the airspace, Finn realized that a couple of Tie-Fighters must have followed us. As Finn and Poe yells commands, recommendations, humorous insults, and joyous commendation, Rey and I locked eyes in fear of what we felt.

He is here. I spoke in our chain of thought.

What are we going to do? Oh! I know! Rey instantously thought of.


BB-8 whistled, beeped to the sound of her voice.

A slight chuckled was released from her lips. "Hey, do you think you can do your...," as she waves her hand around him, "thing with the engines?"

"What are you doing?" I questioned her decision.

"Trust me, he got this," she assured me. "Hold on guys!"

As Poe was trying to dodge the blasts, the next thing we knew, we were in Hydrospace. Poe and Finn's laughs echoed through the ship but I couldn't join because I was worried about something. BB-8 finished his thing and rolled back into the cockpit where the rest of us were. Rey patted him on the top and he whistled.

"Rey, can we talk?" I whispered, leaning over to her.

Unbuckling herself, she sighed. She knew what I was going to say. She dreaded to hear the words. We both walked out of the pit and into the hanger, away from prying ears. More like Poe's ears.

"I know, he was back there. Our presence has been made known." She said it first.

"How should we do this?"

"I don't know Kahs," as she sighed heavily and lowered her head, "I don't know."

We both walked back to the pit with the lingering question in the tense air.

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