Chapter 13 - The Legend of Thorin Oakenshield

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Chapter 13

Thorin turned and started moving towards the edge of the cliff, following whatever was in the water below him. The tip of a sword came out the top of Thorin's shoe and he let out a cry, falling back as Azog broke through the ice. He brought his sword down to stab Thorin, but Thorin blocked it with his own, struggling to hold him back. The blades started to lower, getting closer to Thorin's chest. The tip of Azog's was just about to pierce skin, when Thorin moved his blade out of the way, letting Azog stab him.

"No!" Kili yelled, moving forward.

"Kili!" I shouted, trying to stop him. Thorin lifted his blade, piercing Azog's chest and rolling, so that he was on top of Azog. He pushed his sword further into Azog, officially killing him. Thorin slumped to the side before standing up and moving towards the edge of the cliff. Kili had just reached him, when Thorin stumbled, falling to the ground. I ran over as fast as I could, skidding to a stop next to the two.

"Almithara," Thorin coughed, seeing me there.

"Don't move. Lie still," I told him, seeing the blood spread throughout his shirt.

"I'm glad you're here," he said as I tried to stop the bleeding. "I wish to part from you in friendship."

"No, Thorin. Don't say that. You're not going anywhere. You're going to live," I said, tears coming to my eyes.

"I would take back my words and my deeds at the Gate. You did what only a true friend would do. Forgive me. I was too blind to see it. I am so sorry that I have led you to such peril," he said and I grabbed onto his hand, holding it tightly in mine.

"No, I'm glad to have shared in your perils, Thorin. Each and every one of them. It is far more than I deserve."

"Farewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books. And your armchair. Plant your trees. Watch them grow. If more people valued home above gold this world would be a merrier place," he told me, his voice getting softer and his breaths more shallow.

"No. No, no, no. Thorin. Thorin, don't you dare," I muttered as my tears fell.

"Take good care of my nephew. He truly loves you."

"Thorin. Thorin, hold on. Hold on, please. The Eagles. The Eagles are here. Thorin-," I whispered, but he was gone, his eyes staring blankly into the skies above me. Sitting back on the rocks, I covered my mouth, trying to stop the sobs that were threatening to escape. Kili sat next to me, staring at his uncle's lifeless body as if he couldn't quite comprehend what had just happened.


The sun had begun to set as the tears stopped flowing. The sadness within me made me numb and I sat there, staring at Thorin's body while Kili went in search for his brother's, wanting to see it one last time. I heard a sigh from next to me and I looked over, seeing Gandalf cleaning out his pipe. He looked over at me, nodding his head slightly and I looked away, tears coming to my eyes. The other Dwarves from the Company showed up, surrounding Thorin's body, kneeling and crying for their fallen King.


"There is to be a great feast tonight. Songs will be sung. Tales will be told. And Thorin Oakenshield will pass into legend," Balin told me as we walked towards the front gate of Erebor.

"I know that's how you must honor him, but to me he was never that. He was – to me – he was-," I cut off, my voice cracking as tears sprung to my eyes again. "I'll slip away quietly. Will you tell the others I said goodbye?" I turned away, but Balin's words stopped me.

"You can tell them yourself." Turning back around, I saw the rest of the Company lined up. Going over, I stood in front of them, a small smile on my face.

"If any of you are ever passing Bag End, uh, tea is at 4. There's plenty of it. You are welcome any time." They all bowed to me and I began to turn away, but a thought popped into my head. "Uh, don't bother knocking." They all chuckled, some with tears in their eyes. "Don't do that. If you guys start crying, I'm going to start crying and then I'll never leave."

"Well, maybe that's a good thing," Kili piped up, moving forward.

"Kili, we've talked about this. I have to go home. For a little while, at least, to make sure Bilbo will be fine on his own. Then, if you still want me, I'll come back."

"I will always want you. And to ensure that you come back, take this," he told me, holding out a small ring.

Ooh! A small ring!

Only one more chapter until the trilogy ends! Hope you all have enjoyed reading my books! I will wait to do a really long 'thank you' note. (Don't worry).


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