Chapter 6 - Dain to the Rescue

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Chapter 6

"Father," I mumbled, eyes widening. He turned his head to look, Gandalf following suit. The army marched down the hill at a rapid pace as I heard Gandalf mutter a name.

"Ironfoot." The Dwarves began to cheer again and my father rode through the army, shouting orders at them in Elvish. The army quickly turned, marching towards the Dwarves. Gandalf started moving with them, so I quickly followed.

"Is that really-,?"

"Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills, yes. Thorin's cousin," Gandalf said, answering my unasked question.

"Are they alike?"

"I've always found Thorin the more reasonable of the two." Gandalf stopped briefly to look down at me, before continuing on. My father passed by, holding his hand out to me, so that I could get on the Elk behind him.

"Good morning. How are we all?" Dain asked, bringing his steed, which was a pig, to a halt. "I have a wee proposition, if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider just sodding off? All of you!" Dain yelled, and the men of Laketown that had come to fight, backed up.

"Stand fast," Bard ordered, his own weapon at the ready.

"Come now, Lord Dain," Gandalf called, moving forward.

"Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rubble to leave, or I'll water the ground with their blood!"

"There is no need for war between Dwarves, Men, and Elves. A legion of Orcs march on the Mountain." My eyes widened as I looked at my father, seeing him glance at me from the corner of his eye. "Stand your army down!"

"I will not stand down before any Elf," Dain returned. "Not least this faithless Woodland sprite. He wishes nothing but ill upon my people." Dain pointed at my father, who was smirking. "If he chooses to stand between me and my kin, I'll split his pretty head open! See if he's still smirking then!" The Dwarves started cheering from the Mountain as my father spoke up.

"He's clearly mad, like his cousin," my father snarled.

"Father," I hissed, trying to get him to stop egging them on.

"You hear that, lads? We're on! Let's give these bastards a good hammering!" Dain yelled, turning to face his army. He yelled something in Dwarvish and the entire army began to stomp and shout as the Elven guard prepared themselves for battle. There was a rumbling from another spot on the hill and we all turned our heads towards it. Giant worms popped out of the ground, roaring, before disappearing back into the ground.

"Come forth my armies!" A voice yelled in Black Speech as a horn sounded throughout the hills. Hundreds of Orcs marched out of the holes created by the worms.

"The hordes of hell are upon us!" Dain yelled, taking a group and charging towards the Orcs. "To battle! To battle, sons of Durin!"

"Father, we cannot let them fight the Orcs on their own. They will be slaughtered," I pleaded.

"Thranduil, this is madness!" Gandalf yelled as Dain's army created a short wall with their shields.



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