Chapter 12 - Not Our Fight

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Chapter 12

"Of course I wore it. You asked me to," he mumbled, reaching up to wipe the tears from my cheeks. Leaning in, I crashed my lips onto his, kissing him softly.

"I love you so much," I whispered, pulling away. A horn blew in the distance and my head snapped up.

"What was that?" Kili asked, looking around.

"Orc horn," I told him, getting up and running up the staircase to get a better view. Kili followed behind and I looked around, not seeing past the fog. I shook my head, "I can't see past all this fog." Changing from my Elf eyes to my wolf eyes, I looked around again, stopping when I saw a black line moving down the hill.

"What is it?" Kili asked, seeing my stare.

"The rest of Bolg's army just showed up," I told him as there was a crash from below us. The two of us ran back down the steps, trying to find our way to the main level, where the river was. After going in several wrong directions, we finally managed to find an archway that led us out to the frozen water, where we found Thorin battling Azog. Kili moved forward to go help him, but I pulled him back. "No, this is his fight." Azog swung a stone that was attached to a chain at Thorin, who moved to the side, letting the stone hit the ice, cracking it. The ice shifted under their feet as Azog swung again and again, trying to hit Thorin. Thorin slipped on the ice, falling to his feet. He had just gotten back up, when Azog swung again, knocking Thorin off his feet. Azog brought the stone down as Thorin lied there, but he was quickly able to roll away. This happened several times before Thorin was finally able to get back on his feet, slicing at Azog with his sword. Azog brought the stone down, but it got stuck in the ice. He was about to swing his sword at Thorin, when something caught his eye. Following his gaze, I saw that the Eagles had shown up to help, flying towards Bolg's army. Atop some of the Eagles were a few familiar faces: Radagast the Brown and Beorn, who turned into a bear mid-jump. I turned back to the fight in front of me, seeing that Thorin had dropped his sword. Lifting the stone that was attached to the chain, he threw it at Azog before stepping off the chunk of ice. The weight of the stone combined with Azog made the ice tip, sending Azog into the freezing cold water below.

"He did it," Kili exclaimed, a smile on his face. "He's killed Azog!" Even though it looked as if Thorin had won, there was something inside of me that knew it was too easy. As I looked over at Thorin, I saw that he was staring at the ice. Something was wrong.

Only two more chapters left! Hope you enjoy!

Sorry for the late update! With the holidays being so close, I've been busy!


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