Chapter 9 - Warning Thorin

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Chapter 9

I was almost to the top, but stopped behind a large rock formation, changing back into my human form. Looking around, I slid the ring out of my pocket and onto my finger, climbing the rest of the way. Walking down a flight of stairs, I slid the ring off, "Thorin."

"Almithara," he said, a smile adorning his face.

"You have to leave here. Now. Azog has another army attacking from the North. This watchtower will be completely surrounded. There will be no way out," I informed him, trying to catch my breath.

"We are so close. That Orc scum is in there. I say we push on," Dwalin told Thorin, anger in his voice.

"No, that's what he wants. He wants to draw us in. This is a trap," Thorin mumbled the last part, realization clear on his face. "Find Fili and Kili. Call them back." My eyes widened at his words. They were over there. They were going to be used as bait; they were going to die.

"Thorin, are you sure about this?" Dwalin asked, turning back.

"Do it. We'll live to fight another day." Dwalin started to leave to go find them as I searched the foggy ruins with my eyes, hoping to find some sign of the man I loved or his brother. Thorin began to pull me away when a drum started beating from the other side of the frozen water. The three of us froze, turning to look. Azog and a few other Orcs came into view, dragging Fili with them. He had blood on the side of his head, indicating that he had been ambushed.

"No," I whimpered, hearing Azog's words. Thorin looked at me, confused, so I translated. "He says that Fili is going to die first." Azog held Fili out, so that he was dangling over the edge. "Then the brother. Then you, Oakenshield." Fili struggled in Azog's grip. "You will die last."

As Azog lifted his arm, which was a blade, Fili yelled out, "go! Run!" Azog shoved the blade into Fili's back, killing him. I wanted to turn away, but I was frozen to the spot, staring at Fili's now-lifeless body. Azog spoke in Black Speech again, so Thorin turned to me, asking what he had said.

"He said, here ends your filthy bloodline," I mumbled, still shocked by Fili's death. Azog let go of his body and it fell, landing in front of an opening. My eyes widened as the fog cleared away, revealing a shocked Kili, staring down at his brother's dead body. His surprise quickly changed to anger and he ran out from his hiding spot, going up the steps. "Kili. No!" I ran down the steps and across the frozen water, trying to follow Kili's path. I heard shouting behind me, indicating that both Thorin and Dwalin had followed me. I had just gone up a flight of stairs and was about to turn the corner when I heard a roar. Turning to look, I saw that Azog had appeared and was attacking Thorin.

"Go! Find Kili!" Thorin yelled to me, seeing that I had paused. I turned and continued on my way as he fought off Azog, who was more than twice his size. Hearing a screech, I squinted into the fog above me. Out of nowhere, a bunch of large bats flew at me and I quickly ducked to avoid being hit. I recognized them as the bats from Gundabad, which meant that Bolg had arrived with his army. Turning back to where they had come from, I saw Bolg, standing on the steps and yelling at other Orcs, who were quickly jumping over the edge of the stone wall. An Orc came at me, lifting his weapon, so I moved out of the way. As I did, Dwalin brought his axe to the creature's stomach. Moving away, I brought my own sword out, ready to fight, but Dwalin yelled for me to run.

"I'll take care of this, you get Kili!" Turning, I ran through an archway and looked around. On a peak higher up, I could see Kili fighting off Orcs. Going back through the archway, I found a hallway that led to a staircase, leading up to the peak. As I was about to go up, several Orcs came out from the shadows, weapons raised. I swung my sword at them as they advanced on me, quickly taking off several limbs and heads, killing them. Slicing the throat of the last one, I looked around, having lost sight of Kili.

"Kili!" I called out, hoping he would hear me.

GUESS WHAT?! There's only a couple of chapters left until the series is over! *sad face*

Happy Halloween!!


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