Chapter 10 - Kili

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Chapter 10

"Almithara!" His voice echoed from somewhere above me. I heard a roar coming from my left and when I turned my head, I caught a glimpse of Bolg before he rammed me into the stone steps, one of the corners hitting my stomach and I let out a cry as the air was knocked out of my lungs. Bolg pulled me away from the steps and I brought my dagger up, trying to slice at his stomach. I managed to get out of his hold and ducked under him, so that I was facing his back. Slicing at his back, he turned, swinging his fist, which I quickly avoided by ducking. He went to punch me again, but I avoided that one too, bringing my dagger down to stab him. He caught my right arm and twisted it, a cry of pain escaping my lips. He brought his other fist down on my left shoulder, knocking me to the ground. As my weapon fell out of my hand, his large fingers wrapped around my throat, squeezing as he lifted me into the air. Letting out a yell, I kicked my leg out, hitting him in the knee. He fell to his knees and my feet touched the ground, giving me the opportunity to release myself from his hold. I went to hit him again, but he grabbed my hand and threw me into the stone wall behind us. As my back connected with the wall, pain spread all throughout my body. Lying on the snow-covered ground, I opened my eyes, looking up at Bolg, who had raised his weapon. He was about to bring it down on me when a shout was heard above him and Kili jumped down from the ledge, his sword raised. Bolg managed to block him with the handle of his own weapon, throwing him off. Kili got back up, charging at Bolg, who swung his weapon at Kili's head. Kili ducked, slicing at Bolg's stomach. He went to stab him, but Bolg grabbed his shoulder, hitting him in the face. I jumped on Bolg's back, trying to grab his sword out of his hand, but he threw me off. Bolg raised his sword, bringing it down on Kili's chest.

"No!" I yelled out, feeling my anger take over me. My wolf side took over and I changed, running towards Bolg, teeth bared. He barely had any time to react before my jaws had clamped down on the arm that was holding the weapon. He let out a cry as I ripped the arm from his body, throwing it off to the side. He fell to his knees, dropping Kili in the process and I circled him, growling. Lunging forward, I let my teeth sink into his neck, killing him. As his body slumped to the ground, I changed back, wiping the blood from my mouth with the back of my hand. I looked over at Kili's body, slowly making my way over to him. "Kili?" I said, softly as I fell to my knees. "Please, don't leave me. Kili! You can't leave me here! Not like this!" I yelled at him, tears flowing from my eyes. "Kili," I mumbled, closing my eyes. Leaning down, I rested my forehead against his chest, sobs escaping me. As I sat there with him, my mind flashed through the entire journey, remembering. From when he first walked into Bag End, to when we admitted our feelings for each other and shared our first kiss, to when he told me that he loved me, and all the way up until our last moments together. The things that I felt for him were foreign. He was the first person I had ever truly loved. No one could ever come close to that again. Sitting up, I wiped my tears, though they kept flowing, and looked out at the fog-covered mountain, hearing the fighting. As I looked out, I heard a gasp from beside me.

*le gasp* What just happened?!

I am so sorry I haven't updated. I've been meaning to for a while, but I've been so busy!

Only a couple more chapters left!


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