Chapter 8 - Ravenhill

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Chapter 8

The horn stopped and all was quiet until a giant golden bell crashed through the makeshift front gate, ringing loudly. The Dwarves came running out, led by Thorin, straight down the middle of Dain's army. Soon, the army joined in, running towards the Orcs, who had once again begun to advance on the Dwarves. I flew up to a bridge to get a better look at the fight, Gandalf quickly following.

"The Dwarves. They're rallying," I told him, trying to catch my breath after all the fighting.

"They're rallying to their King," he muttered. The Orcs swarmed the city again and I rushed back down to help fight them off. As I sliced the throat of the one I was fighting, a moving object, in the corner of my eye, caught my attention. Looking over, I saw four large mountain goats riding up the hill towards Azog, each carrying a Dwarf on their back. I was so distracted by them, that I didn't notice the Orc coming up behind me. As I turned, it brought its fist down on my face. I yelped, falling to the ground as it towered over me, raising its sword. Before it could move, I had lifted my own, piercing it in the stomach. It fell to the ground and I quickly got up, moving toward where I had last seen Gandalf.

"Gandalf!" I called out his name. He turned, coming over to where I stood. "It's Thorin," I told him, pointing out the four mountain goats.

"And Fili, Kili, and Dwalin. He's taking his best warriors," he acknowledged.

"To do what?" I asked.

"To cut the head off the snake," he told me, a smirk appearing on his face. Someone called Gandalf's name and my head whipped around as I recognized the voice.

"Legolas," I mumbled, seeing my brother up close for the first time in two hundred years. My brother dismounted his horse, followed by Tauriel.

"Legolas Greenleaf," Gandalf greeted, meeting him halfway.

"There is a second army. Bolg leads a force of Gundabad Orcs. They are almost upon us," Legolas informed.

"Gundabad. This was their plan all along."

"What was?" I chimed in, stepping up next to Gandalf. My brother's eyes flitted down to me, surprised that I was there.

"Azog engages our forces, then Bolg sweeps in from the North."

"Ravenhill," I muttered, eyes going wide as I looked over to where Thorin and the others had just gone. "Thorin is up there. And Fili and Kili. They're all up there!" An Elvish horn blew nearby and the four of us followed the sound, finding my father standing around a bunch of bodies.

"My Lord, dispatch this force to Ravenhill. The Dwarves are about to be overrun. Thorin must be warned," Gandalf informed my father.

"Then by all means, warn him. I have spent enough Elvish blood in defense of this accursed land. No more," my father replied, walking away.

"Thranduil!" He ignored Gandalf's call.

"I'll go. I'll warn them," I spoke up.

"Don't be ridiculous," Gandalf rebutted. "You'll never make it."

"Why not? You know I can do it, Gandalf."

"Because they will see you coming and kill you."

"No, they won't. I can do it without being seen," I challenged.

"I agree with Gandalf. You're not going up there, it's out of the question. I won't allow it," Legolas said, crossing him arms.

"I'm not asking you to allow it, Legolas. I have to warn them." I moved around my brother, but he grabbed my arm, pulling me back.

"No. If you go up there, you'll be killed," he claimed, a hard look on his face.

"I can't just let them be slaughtered, Legolas. They're my friends. Kili - I love him," I said, quietly and his face softened slightly.

"I already lost you once when you were banished, I can't lose you forever."

"You won't," I smiled, placing a hand on his cheek. As I ripped my arm away, I turned into my hawk and flew towards Ravenhill.

Hope you liked it. I tried to add in a little moment between brother and sister :)


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