Chapter 26

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A.N: Soo sorry it took so long to put up. I got side tracked and forgot to write! I know it's short but I hope it's okay!

Rihana’s P.O.V

After I had calmed down and explained what had happened to CeCe, she started the car again and drove the remainder of the street to Li’s house. I could hear screaming and shouting when we were still halfway down the street, but what I could see was worse. CeCe sped up the car, trying to get to the house as fast as she could because, well, you could smell the testosterone and it didn’t look pretty having a group of boys fighting on a front lawn.

As CeCe pulled up in front of Liam’s I practically jumped out of the car, running towards the middle of the fight, where it just so happed to be Jake and Josh fighting. And not the innocent, brotherly kind. Oh no, this was ‘I’m going to keep hitting you until you bleed, pass out or have a concussion, or maybe all three’. I’m not the strongest girl, especially against two well built boys, but I had to intervene. They looked like they were out to kill each other!


Nope, that didn’t work.


Nope, still nothing.

Me: For shits sake.

I ran back over to Liam’s new car and did the only thing I could think of. Basically sit on the horn until they all stop being dicks. It only took them 2 minutes to realise what I was doing, and stop fighting.

Stepping out of the car, I squared up to Josh and Jake while everyone watched my movements, debating what I would do, and to be honest, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do myself.

Me: Imma try this again. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

This time they were actually listening to me and looked a little taken back with my sudden outburst.

Josh: It’s his fault.

Jake: My fault?! I was invited here so I came. You’re the one who fucking punched me!

Josh: I punched you because you’re an a-class knob! You fucking hit a girl!

Jake suddenly looked back at me, his eyes clouding over with guilt and the black bruise surrounding his left eye becoming prominent.

Jake: Back the fuck off of me.

Josh: Really? You’re going to try and act macho when everyone knows CeCe’s was able to beat the shit out of you.

Jake: Josh. Drop it.

Josh: Now you want to drop it? After you fucking hit a girl? While you were drunk? Are you out of your mind?! No. I’m not stopping until you realise what you did was a dick move.

Whilst everyone was still stood watching the two brothers argue, me and CeCe locked eyes. She knew I was close to tears, but if she moved everyone would notice so she stayed put while I slowly started backing out of Li’s front garden. I needed to get away from today. I need to go back and start today all over.

As soon as I was out of ear shot, I ran. I ran all the way to the field behind my old school. The place where so many good memories were; my first  fire drill where I met CeCe who was sat in the corner eating her food,  all the weeks we spent up here when it was sunny to catch a tan, my first kiss, our year 11 photo with everyone in, our prom and the best one. Our graduation, when we looked back at our first day of year 7 and stood in the exact lines we did before, everyone in tears, saying our last goodbyes before people went to university and travelled the world. I left so many friends here that day. So many people who were so close to me, that they were family. This is the only place where I felt truly at peace. Where I still see everyone who meant anything to me. The best part about this place? Only I know where my ‘secret’ place is. The one spot that no one can see. That bright orange container unit? You see those trees surrounding it that wind up high enough so you can see over the school? That tallest tree? Right in the middle of that. That is where I like to go when I need peace. You’re sheltered from the rain, it doesn’t get hot, and you get the perfect view.


I don’t know how late it had gotten, but it wasn’t light anymore. The moon was shining brightly, surrounded by little twinkling stars, framing it perfectly. The clouds non-existent, a nice clear sky. Pulling out my phone, I noticed the time was 10:34 pm. Shit. 12 texts and 5 missed calls. 5 of the texts were from CeCe saying:

“Where are you? Come back to the house”

“Everyone’s out looking for you! Tell me where you are bitch.”

“If you don’t reply to this text, I am taking the hint that you have been kidnapped so I will call the police”

“I’m calling the police”

“They told me you have to be missing for 24 hours. Shits sake. Please tell me that you’re okay! I’m worried about you!”

Two of the texts were from Josh:

“I’m sorry Rhi, I shouldn’t have made a scene. I just hate him for what he did.”

“Please tell us where you are! We’re all worried and CeCe’s getting ready to hit something. Just let us know that you’re okay!”

Three from Jake:

“I really am sorry for what I did this morning. You don’t realise how guilty I feel.”

“Please, I’ll never speak to you again, just reply to any of us or come back to Li’s. We’re all so worried!”

“Rihana, please. Tell us where you are”

One was from Brandon:

“Hey bitchachos. Look, you’re probably fine, but please just come back to Li’s house. Everyone’s freaking out and I doubt I can sit on CeCe for much longer. Just to let you know, I’m sat on CeCe because she’s  trying to go on a rampage against Jake and Josh for scaring you, and she may be skinny, but fuck is she strong. She’s already pushed me off of her twice! I had to dive onto her just to stop her from running the first time and the second time I sat on her foot so she couldn’t move.. Please just come back for all of us. LOVE YOU FRENCH FRY!x”

Trust Brandon to make an awkward situation funny. Ah, I do love you boy.

And the last two were from Lewis:

“Rihana Jane O’Brien you better come back here soon before I whoop yo ass.”

“Rhi, I’m serious now. If you don’t get back before 11 I will find you, and I will kill you.”

Checking the time again I saw it was 10:43 pm, quickly looking at the missed calls to see who they were from (one from each person who text me) I slid my phone back into my pocket and started to climb back down the tree so I could start on my way back to Li’s.

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