Chapter 8: The Big Four Are The Big Four Idiots

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Well, this is it. We had so much fun together, saving my life and all. Just imagine all the things we could have done together. The things we could have seen. I'm just so sorry I have to let you go. Lots of people said we were the perfect match, that we were meant for each other. But it was never meant to be. I just hope we can meet again. Even though-

"Will you hurry it up already?" The office lady demanded.

I dropped the jacket in the lost and found box in surprise. "Right, sorry."

The lady raised an eyebrow. "You seem pretty attached to that jacket. If no one comes to pick it up, I'll give it to you."

I smiled. "Thanks. Bye now."

I left the office and sighed. I'm going to miss that jacket. But even I know I'm overreacting. The bell rang for 2nd period, and I panicked. This overreacting is nothing compared to what happened this morning. But thanks to my quick wit and cleverness, I got through this morning.

I woke up on the couch with the sun on my face. There was a blanket covering me, I never remembered falling asleep with a blanket. I groaned and accidentally fell of the couch, landing on my coccyx also known as the tailbone.

"Ow," I groaned. "My coccyx."

After many failed attempts, I finally got up from the floor and looked around. They were all gone, all of the guys left. It was like they never were here. The living room looked really clean, like someone vacuumed the whole place. The TV was still blaring, pausing to show a picture of Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow running away from a angry mob of natives.

"Luis? Cyrus? You guys?" I asked. "Where are you?"

My mom came out of the kitchen, and I nearly fainted.

"I was right here in the kitchen." My mom told me. "I saw you were asleep on the couch and didn't bother to wake you. Why were you sleeping on the couch anyway?"

"Monsters under my bed," I blurted put the first thing that popped into my head, which happens to be the dumbest.

She raised an eyebrow. "I thought you stopped having those nightmares when you were around Adam's age."

"The nightmares came back." I explained to her. "So I came here to watch a movie that would conk me to sleep."

"I see." She walked towards me and stopped. She looked around the room. "Why is their blood on the couch, why are their blood on all of the couches?"

"It's my time of the month!" I blurted out again.

"It is?" She asked incredulously. "I'm sure it's always-"

"I got it early." I said, cutting her off. "And I realize it during the movie, but it was already too late. There was this huge stain on the couch."

"But why is their blood on the other couches?"


"You got a nosebleed?"

"Yeah..." I said, thinking of my next move. Come on Autumn think. You're a writer, once you start a story you got to finish it. 

"While I was running around the room for a pad, I crashed into a wall since it was so dark. My nose started to bleed and I panicked all around the house, scattering the blood on the couches." I said, the story making itself.

"Okay..." My mom said, still not believing my story. But really, who will? "I'm just glad you didn't die from blood loss."

I grinned. I hope the guys didn't die from blood loss before I kill them when I see them agin at school. "Me too."

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