It All Started With a Jacket

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  • Dedicated to Everyone with first loves and heartbreaks

Author's Note (Re-re-edited):

Helloo readers of Wattpad. I would like to introduce to you my 3rd book here on Wattpad. Yes, I know! So excited, getting goosebumps just writing this.

Anywho, you might be asking. How the hell did I come up with this book? Well I was in Ross and found this cute blue-and-white striped jacket from Calvin Klein. (Got it for $29.99, very good deal with the original price $59.99) And there's this guy, yes a guy, a really nice one in fact. And he happens to have this jacket that he wears practically everyday, like a signature jacket. *Hint, hint.* (The guy is bad- boyish maybe, if my parents find out, well I wouldn't be here right now, now would I?) So jacket + guy and the story kinda came to me. Pretty cool right?

I want to tell, or well write, you something, author to reader. I told my friend I wanted to make a bibliography about my love life and she freaked, so I told her I'll just make a book based on it. Close enough. It's based on some real life events of my school life. Seriously. Some characters represent my real friends but different looks and so on. You can guess who I am, Brooke is a real friend of mine and Wyatt is the guy I like. The more I write this book, the more the charcters develop their own characteristics. So the characters are only inspired by the people in real life, but that's it. But some parts if this book aren't real like gangs and stuff, but this really based on some events that happened to my love life. I of course won't say what parts are real or not, that choice is really up to you.

I sound really mysterious to you right now, aren't I?

So this is how I made up with this story. It has everything: bad boy, gangs, friends, fights/arguments that all circle one thing. A jacket.

So thanks for reading this and hope you'll like my story, It All Started with a Jacket.

This book is also.... A musical!!! How you ask? You'll see, you'll see.

Writing forever,


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