Chapter 5: Doomsday Already?

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  • Dedicated to My annoying but awesome little brother, J

Winter break has finally come and almost gone. Christmas has passed, I've got a couple of clothes. Yay me. And you probably be thinking how I must be spending my winter break. Hanging out with friends? Hanging out with family. Well it isn't any of those, I've been doing nothing, just spending the whole time using my laptop. But there is one thing on my mind. And I've been worrying about it for sometime. But it's not what you think. 


Yeah, you must think I'm kidding. You seriously think the world is going to end in 2013. Well, yes, yes I do. That's why I spent the last few hours of school hugging my friends saying it was nice knowing them. We all did that, even for the 2012 reason. Of course there were people who were joking, and there were people like me, who actually worried it might actual happened. And you must be think, how can I believe in something so... stupid?

I'm into legendary places like Atlantis, Laputa, Agartha, the center of the Earth, you know fictional stuff. And sometimes I like to think that all of it is real. Then it gets me thinking if other are real too. But I try not to think of the religion, and God or Gods kind of stuff. It feels depressing having to think about that stuff. So let me just explain all this 2013 stuff. These scientists read in the Mayan calender that the world will in end in 2013, something like that. And now people are practically running around in panic, stocking up supplies, building bunkers, building a rocket to go to Mars. Okay maybe the last thing didn't happen, but I wanted to actual.

So as the days counted down and my stomach churned at the thought of Armageddon and the world going poof. The thing I didn't know was that last person I would think would help me through this would be none other than the Wyatt Matthews. It started a few days after Christmas during winter break.

"So you got everything taken care of right?" My mom asked me.

"Mmmh." I muttered to my pillow. It was like 8 in the morning and I was never the morning person.

"Autumn. Are you even listening to me?"

I rolled over the the side. "Yes. I heard you, mother." I always say mother in a joking matter, but I usually just call her mom.

"Well lunch is in the oven and make your brother some scrambled eggs."

"Yes, mother. Now go to work."

"Okay bye." And she took off.

Typical day in the Griffin household. She leaves my brother in my care, but he's usually occupied by his iPad or other gadgets, so he's not much trouble. Unless he's demanding for food.

"Autumn!" I heard someone screamed.

Oh how I hate his voice. "What!"

"I'm hungry!" 

"Get it yourself!"

"I don't know how!"

"Why do you do this to me!" 

"I'm only seven!"

I groaned. I can't expect that much for him to be independent. Even though he learned to talk early and can back talk, at the top of his class, loves to do math, draw and read, he's still annoying as ever. I rolled some more and eventually crashed onto the floor from my bed.

I sighed.

I got up and fixed my bed. Then went to the bathroom and washed my face, brush my teeth, the usual morning routine. I climbed downstairs and headed to the kitchen. 

"Morning Adam." I muttered.

He didn't reply. His eyes were glued to his iPad. Usually he watches Minecraft videos where the guys make funny comments and cusses time to time. But he knows he shouldn't say stuff like that himself. He''s a smart kid. Lots of people say he looks like me, with the same black hair. But only  our eyes were different, chocolate brown eyes. I came over to him and pinched his cheek.

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