Chapter 23

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The next morning, Adriane was awoken to the sound of footsteps. She scooted into the corner, bringing her legs up to her chest. Her eyes flashed a warning blue, and a dangerous growl slipped through her lips. Don't fight. You'll get injected and escaping will be twice as hard. Nathaniel's words rang in her mind. Will Amber would be able to come with us? Adriane had asked.

She knew the chances were slim. Her cousin was so far gone, but she couldn't help but think of Amber finding her mate. Then the coma might break like it had for Nathaniel. Nathaniel had shaken his head, sending her a dejected frown. She knew as she had sent him a crestfallen look that she wouldn't be able to bring along Amber. The bright side of the situation, was that Amber wasn't being tortured or dead. She was just... Brainwashed.

Adriane relaxed, sending the guards a distrusting look as she slowly lowered her feet to the ground. She stood up as the swung her cell door open. The door swung slowly, the hinges creaking eerily.

"What's going on?" Adriane asked, tilting her chin up in defiance. Two guards advanced towards her. One grunted in response, but gave nothing important away. Not that she needed to know what they were doing anyway.

She allowed them to wrap their hands tightly around her arms, not sure how far resisting would take her before they injected her. She jerked weakly in their grip twice. The guard to her right glared down at her, digging his stubby nails into her skin.

"Stop that," He growled lowly at her. She complied, shocking both the guards. They shared a confused look over her lowered head, but decided to let it slip.

She went down the hallway silently. Her two escorts were flanked by a few other guards. Adriane recalled Nathaniel saying only five guards were supposed to be on post, so who were these guys?

She lifted her head in time to see a large, thick metal door stop in front of them. The face of it was flawless. Not a single dent marred or defaced the gateway. She could see her reflection in the door, and winced at how greasy her hair looked. Her skin looked oily and there were slight bags under her eyes. Her eyes flicked up to her mate, who guarded one side of the door. The side he guarded held a large pass code machine. The buttons popped out of the mechanism at roughly half an inch and glowed a bright orange.

Nathaniel nodded at the guards dragging her along, not sparing her a glance as he turned to the password device. Her heart ached slightly as her wolf whined softly at the blatant ignoring. Had they somehow reversed his memory so he had forgotten once again?

"We got her from here. You men are excused." A gruff voice spoke as a man merged from behind the opening doors. Adriane's eyes met those of a large, elegant man. His dark hair was gelled back. His eyebrows were plucked to perfection. Light stubble grazed his chin and (despite his clean look) down his throat. He was dressed in a dark gray suit; his tie was the color of blood. She flinched slightly at his cold, calculating gaze. Beneath the initial look, was fire that flickered with malice.

She was let go haphazardly, and her mate and the other guard grabbed her arms. Reassurance coursed through her as her mate squeezed her arm gently to give her strength to continue.

They kept their grip on her until she was sat in a large, reclined chair with her wrists and ankles held in place by metal bands. The man in the suit dismissed Nathaniel and the other guard, making his way around her. The elegant man that greeted them at the door was accompanied by another man. This man had white frizzy, unruly hair. His gray eyes were held behind rectangular, thick rimmed glasses. He walked around with determination, a slight limp in his left leg. He flipped switches here and there, turned knobs, and pressed buttons. A whirling sound started up.

Anxiety spiked in Adriane's body as her wolf started pacing. The two men discussed with each other quietly enough that she couldn't hear them over the wooshing noise being made. The formal male made his way over to Adriane's position, gliding silently over the tiled ground.

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