Chapter 19

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Adriane waited with anticipation as Nathaniel left to get Amber. She could feel excitement coil and jumble around in her stomach, like a snake trying to release itself from restraints.

"What is this about, Nate?" She heard Amber's voice, and her heart leapt into her throat. She made her way from the cot she was sitting on to the bars. Their weighted steps made their way down the stairs. Adriane barely recognized Amber as the carefree little sister she'd come to remember.

This Amber had her mouth set in a constant thin line. Her eyes were hard and sharp with focus. Her hair was pulled into a tight ponytail. She had a belt with knives lining it all the way around. Her attire was what Adriane knew Amber wouldn't wear. The younger girl might had gone as far to say it was atrocious and a crime to her fashion. All the clothing she wore was solid black. From the form fitting training shirt to the combat boots that adorned her cousin's feet, everything was as dark as a night without a full moon. An exact opposite to the colorful, girly attire Amber would wear.

"Amber!" Adriane called out relieved. The girl snapped her head up, narrowing her eyes at Adriane.

"How do you know my name, mutt?" Amber snarled, coming to a full stop in front of Adriane's pen. "No one calls me that anymore." Adriane looked on her relative with horror before looking pleadingly at her mate. He gave her a knowing gaze, his lips twisted into a sympathetic, sad smile.

"Don't look at him. I'm talking to you!" Amber yelled, banging a fist into the bar. Adriane brought her attention back to Amber.

"You don't recognize me? It's me, Adriane! Your 'sister from another mister' as you called us? The pack was worried sick about you! I came to find you..." Adriane told her, hoping to spark a memory. "Company raided our lands and took you?" She continued in a questioning tone, waiting for the light of recognition to come back into her cousin's eyes.

Instead of the spell breaking like she had wished, Amber laughed coldly at her before spitting at Adriane. Adriane dodged out of the way, sadness welling in her chest and constricted around her heart painfully.

"I don't have a pack. They abandoned me to die in the woods. They laughed in my face with every mistake I made. Those monsters forced me to do things I would never do on my free will." Amber shared, a dark emotion crossing over her features. Adriane shook her head at the non-sense.

"They brainwashed you, Amber! That's not how our pack is! They loved and cherished every member that they took in! Uncle John lost it when you were kidnapped!" Adriane choked out, tears threatening to spill over. A flicker of surprise flitted through Amber's eyes and Adriane's heart soared. She remembered something! Then her face grew angry, and a twisted smile made way onto her lips.

"I do know you. 'Uncle John'," she mimicked in a high voice. "You're the one that turned everyone on me. You filthy bitch! You're the one that caused my life to turn into hell! You were the one, a sick smirk on your face as you convinced the pack to shun me out, to leave me in the woods to die! I'm going to fucking kill you!" Amber screamed, crescendoing as she continued her words. She reached for her belt, yanking a knife out of her holster. Nathaniel was there in a flash, grabbing her arms.

"Calm down, Abs. Don't worry about her. She's behind bars, she's not going to be able to do anything to you. She's not worth it." Adriane's heart broke as she listened to her mate comfort Amber as he walked away, restraining her. The tears finally escaped, soon painting her cheeks with a clear, transparent liquid. Sobs racked her body as she slid to the ground. She covered her face with her hands. She let out a mournful, raspy scream in between sobs. There was a loud thump that came from upstairs, and then a lot of sprinting footsteps. There was a bunch of jumbled talking, along with her sobbing, making it hard to understand what was going on. Yet, Adriane managed to make out a few words.





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