Chapter 18

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As soon as Nathaniel left, Adriane took in her cell. The ground was a worn, old cement slab. There were many cracks that made their way around the compound. She had a low, blue material cot that was decently comfortable for a cell. And then a toilet. In the middle of the open. Adriane wrinkled her nose in disgust as she stared at the abomination to the world.

"Mates!" Called a sing-songy voice from across her. She looked up, meeting eyes with the older man. She raised an eyebrow, not going to deal with his crap.

"You're mates with Mr. Interrogator." He sang again. She shot him an unamused look. She waved him off, making her way back to the cot.

"And? It's not that hard to figure out." She dismissed his words. She laid down, curling her legs towards her body.

"Evidently your so-called mate can't figure it out!" Adriane let out a low, warning growl, her eyes flashing bright blue. He chuckled lowly, raising his hands in surrender.

"He's human. It's not his problem that he doesn't know about it." She scoffed at him. Turning over on the cot, she gave Nelson her back. Nelson laughed in amusement.

"Oh no, he knows." Adriane sat up quickly in her bed, giving him a death glare.

"What do you mean 'he knows'?" Nelson shrugged, sending her a sly smile. Adriane stood up quickly making her way to the jail bars. Her eyes flashed dangerous as her wolf surfaced.

"Tell me what you know about my mate!" They spoke together, her words sounding like stones grinding together. Nelson shivered under the power of the command. There was a purposefully loud stomp that came from the stairs. Adriane refused to look away from Nelson, but he was glad for the distraction.

"Oh. Hi Nathaniel." Nelson said greasily, shooting Adriane a smug smile. Adriane froze before robotically turning towards the stairs. Nathaniel stood there, disbelief and anger staining his features. The wide smile she didn't know she had on her face slowly lowered.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, not bothering to hide the concern laced in her voice. He walked up to her cell, tossing her a pair of clothes he was holding.

"Here." He stated shortly, turning around to giver her privacy. She didn't need it. She expertly slipped the clothes on and pulled the sheet out from under them to keep from Nelson's wandering eyes. She called softly to Nathaniel, handing him the sheet. She froze when a scent hit her and she picked up the sweatshirts neckline to smell it. Her eyes flicked up to a Nathaniel who had busied himself tossing the sheet into a hamper for dirty clothes.

"This is yours?" She asked shyly, giving the sweatshirt another sniff to get another drag of the heavenly smelling scent. Nathaniel shrugged before shuffling his way to be in front of her cell.

"Yeah, but it probably doesn't smell as good as your mate." She looked up at him confused at his tone. She opened her mouth to say something, but he interrupted her by holding up his hand. Nelson snickered behind her mate. Adriane looked around Nathaniel to glare at the rogue, but Nathaniel didn't bother.

"So, if you were from a pack in Minnesota, are you now a rogue?" Nathaniel asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Adriane made eye contact before looking away and shuffling her feet.

"Well... My pack was attack when I was younger and I was the sole survivor of the event..." She drifted off briefly before bouncing back, pushing the memories away. "I was sent to my uncle's pack in Wisconsin. Recently, that pack was attacked the same way as my birth pack. They took my little cousin who's like a sister to me. I left to come find her. I'm pretty sure my uncle has kicked me out of the pack so I guess I am a rogue." She drifted off into a whisper once again. She pulled the longer sleeves over her fingers. Nathaniel hummed.

"And that's why you were looking for here? For your cousin?" Adriane smiled sheepishly before nodding. An idea came to mind, and she ran up to the cell bars. She grabbed the bars before getting on her tippy-toes to try to get to his height. She still wasn't close.

"Maybe you know her!" She called excitedly. He gave her a doubtful look.

"Her name is Amber! She's pretty short! She's got lighter colored hair. The attack happened... Oh, I don't know... Over a month ago? I wouldn't know exactly." Her mate looked at her strangely for a moment. He seemed to decide something, because he wrapped his hands over her's. She closed her eyes, enjoying the pleasant thrum that shot through her body, causing her wolf to soar in happiness.

"I know her. She's my guard partner. I knew as soon as you said she was short and was taken recently. I always call her Shrimpette and she hates me for it." Adriane gaped, ecstatic with this information. She jumped a bit in excitement, and it felt like a smile was splitting her face in half.

"I need to see her! She'd be so happy to see some family! Please, Nathaniel. I need to see my family!" Her mate looked at her guiltily. Her smile dropped slowly, her brows coming together in confusion.

"What is it?"

"Well..." He started. Sighing, he released his grip on her hand. He ran it through his hair a few times. Adriane instantly missed the warmth of his hand.

"I'm sorry Adriane, but once we get a new wolf, we brainwash them so they don't remember their past. This keeps them from acting out and always plotting against us." Adriane shook her head in disbelief.

"But if she sees me, she'll remember something! I've been with her since she was born!" Nathaniel gazed down at her. She could see him slowly cracking under her puppy eyes. He sighed, looking to the side to swear under his breath even though Adriane could still hear him.

"Alright," he gave in. "But don't say I didn't warn you." Adriane bounced happily on the heels of her feet, sending him a promising smile.

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