Chapter 2

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"In this moment we're connected
If we fall, we fall together
Get up, get up!
Sing it like you're screaming at me
Get up, get up!
I love the way you make it look so easy
East coast, west coast, show me what you've got now
Let's go, let's go!
Get up, get up!
Make my heartbeat pickup
Get up, get up!
Be-be-be-beating to the rhythm."
Adriane slammed her hand down on the off button and groaned. Burying her head deeper into her comforter, she heard Jake come in and laugh at her.

"Come on Adriane. It's time to 'Get up, get up!'" Jake shouted, quoting her wake up song. She stuck her arm out, above her covers and flipped him off.

"Leave me alone, Jake! I'll get up eventually!" Jake huffed and she heard him mutter: "Whatever" before storming out of her room. Finally piece and quiet!

She started to drift back off into a blissful sleep.

Then the alarm clock went off in the bathroom.

"I hate life," Adriane mumbled. Shuffling out of bed, she headed down the short hallway. Her dark hair stuck up in all sorts of crazy directions. Her half lidded gray eyes held no shine this early in the morning.

Then she stubbed her toe on the table.

"Son of a motherless whore!" Adriane screamed, grabbing her foot and sucking in a deep lungful of breath. She hopped the rest of the way into the bathroom before shutting off that alarm clock. By this time, she was completely awake. Lovely morning I'd say. This day was getting better and better by the second. Amber joined her in the bathroom as they got ready for the day. Amber brushed her teeth as Adriane did her hair, and then they switched. They made light conversation about what they were going to do today. After they finished up, they decided to have a race to see who could get to the kitchen first.

"I beat you, Adriane!" Amber said in a sing song voice.

"That's because I let you!" She called back, mocking Amber's tone.

"You did not!" Amber's hands landed on her hips as she gave her a menacing look. Adriane spied the last donut behind Amber and dashed for it, grabbing it and taking a monstrous bite. She gave Amber a grin, making sure to show the donut.

"Now I beat you."


Adriane felt her way around the forest, readjusting the blindfold to keep it from slipping off her head.

"No touching the blindfold, Adriane!" Uncle John yelled at her.

"I'm trying to keep it from falling!" She yelled back. She heard Uncle John huff before walking towards her and telling her not to move.

Adriane felt Uncle John move away once the blindfold was tightened and could no longer move. This was part of Alpha training. Each of them (being Jake, Amber and Adriane) are blindfolded and have to use their other senses aside from sight to block and fight against attackers. The attackers were always high ranking wolves such as the current Alpha, Beta, Third-in-Command or High Commander (the person in charge of the warriors). Sometimes the soon-to-be teens that are replacing the ranks that were just explained joined in on the Alpha training, but that rarely happened.

"Begin," Adriane tensed as Uncle John stated the word in a monotone voice.

"-What I think you already know. You need a motherfucker that respects your name, now say it! Pussy control. Are you ready? Aaaaah"

"Whoops, sorry," she giggled as her phone went off. Adriane went to reach for her phone, only to feel someone pluck it out of her back pocket.

"Not now, Addison. Adriane is in training," Uncle John hissed into the phone before hanging up. "You can get this back after practice," Uncle John said lowly to her. Adriane sighed, already expecting that. "Begin. Again."

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