NYE | Cam

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Quick Note: If it's italicized, it's currently happening... (I know One Direction are on break but let's let my heart pretend they aren't, kay? Kay.)

"Ten! Nine! Eight..." These words flew from every mouth around me. Times Square was as happy as ever, everyone enjoying themselves. Loved ones were holding onto each other tightly, lips already being puckered. I was here with my best friend, Cameron.

I had met Cameron this year. Everything about him had intrigued me. I paused from my memory to look at him, shouting with everyone. His smile was brighter than the sun itself, the stars had disappeared from the sky and fell into his brown eyes. His dark brown hair was securely held back by a beanie, which gave the tips of his ears warmth. He glanced down at me, my arms snug around his left arm, trying to consume every bit of warmth that came from his tall body. His smile became bigger when his eyes had met mine.

Though I had only known him since February, I knew the moment I met him he would become a great asset to my life. It was in Louisiana, at the mall. I had been left in charge of my little sister, who was four, while my mom went searching for Valentine's Day gifts. I had let go of her hand for what seemed like only one second to find my wallet in my purse. She had been good all day, so I had promised her ice cream if she had held it up. Next thing I knew, a sliver of her bright pink hoodie was the only thing I could see in the large crowd. She was running away, towards God knows what. It was easy for a small child to get through people, but an average sized teenage girl? Not the least bit easy.

I had lost her in the crowd, after five straight minutes of being on her tail. I was about to have a panic attack when I reached in my pocket to call my mom. I knew I was gonna hear it for her, probably get my head skinned; however, that wasn't scary to me. What was scary to me was that my little sister could be anywhere with anyone in this large mall.

I kept running with every ounce of energy I had left in me, my anxiety on full blast. My shaky hands almost dropped my phone as I typed in my mom's number. My finger stopped when I saw it: Lexie's pink coat. There she was, a boy my age, crouched down, talking to her.

Long story short, it was Cameron. Since then, he has been there for me with more than I can imagine. When my boyfriend for almost two years broke up with me in June, Cameron was the one who got me through it. When my dog died, Cameron was there. He was there for literally everything.

"Cameron?" I spoke loudly as everyone chanted number five.

"Yeah, Babe?"

"Thank you, for everything. I know we only met this year, but I couldn't have gotten through this year as easily as I did if I didn't have you."

One Direction started to perform "Perfect," as we were down on the last five seconds. I kept rambling on as Cameron's eyes were focused on me.

He interrupted me as he held up three fingers. As each second passed, one would go down. "Happy New Year, Beautiful." His words were faint, only I could hear them. It was a whisper among the rest, and my frozen cheeks flushed hot at the soothing sound of his voice.

A large smile spread on his face as he glanced down at my lips. Before I knew it, he kissed me. Confetti and cheering surrounded the two of us, fireworks in the air. And that was just from my stomach, even though the exact same thing was in the air around us.

I hope you guys enjoyed my quick lil imagine. I hope you all have a great new year and that 2016 will bring greatness to your life. I love you guys so much, stay safe tonight!!!

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