One | J.J.

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One / Jack Johnson

For Alex: fineapplezzzzz ; based on "One" by Ed Sheeran.

A tear slipped from my face as I flicked the light switch off. The grip on my suitcase was so tight that my knuckles were turning white. I swallowed the lump in my throat, pushing away the tears that were going to pour any second. And that's when I saw him. My best friend. My other half. The love of my life. His name was Jack Johnson. His blonde hair stood straight up in its normal fixation. A quiff, just like many other boys had. But I liked it on him; it suited him better. Oh, how I love his blonde hair. How it felt like you were running your fingers through a cloud when you touched it. How he had that sparkle in his blue eyes when you would mention something he loves. How his thick eyebrows would knit together if you said something random or just the slightest bit confusing. The way his glasses, that he seldom wore, sat perfectly on the bridge of his nose. They complimented him very well, the black rims making his eye color pop out beautifully. The last image I remember of him, you may ask? A small tear slipping from his eyes, rolling down his pale cheek as his hand pressed against the window of my jeep, I leaning over the passenger seat to touch his hand through the glass. And I watched him as I pulled away from my driveway, through my rearview mirror, looking behind the window paint reading, "Minnesota State" and a ballerina painted next to the words.


It's been four years. This year is almost over and then I can go home, forever. I can open my dance studio in Omaha and help change the lives of many boys and girls through the power of dance. Maybe I'll see Jack again. I miss him deeply. I haven't talked to him for about two years now and I really hate it. I get the occasional, 'happy birthday, hope all is well.' text from him, but that's it. Jack and I tried the 'long' distance relationship thing, but it didn't work out, even though it was only 300 miles away. I just couldn't miss school; I was just too busy. I had gotten mail from him, texts, calls, and Skype dates for a while. But it didn't last too long. We just couldn't take it. It took two years to finally decide to call everything off. I'm not really sure how he is. I think about him a lot. Has he changed much? Is he taller? What about his hair? Is he happy? And what about Gilinsky? How's he doing? It's nights like these where I can't stop thinking about him. The spring nights where the rain pours down and it's just a bit chilly. I'd be a his house and we'd be under the covers, cuddling together so tight that no cold would reach us. We would watch some cheesy movie and he would lie his face on the side of mine, our cheeks squishing against each other's and he'd have his arm draped over my side, holding me close into his chest. I'd be in his hoodie, the one I still have in the back of my closet. The one that use to smell like his cologne, but now it doesn't because I've worn it so many times...

I was writing a report when my phone began to ring. I picked it up. Printed on the glass screen was the name 'Jack💕'. There was a picture of us about a week before I left. He was giving me a piggy back ride, his white teeth smiling brightly and his eyes were squinted closed, an image I wish was printed in my mind besides the one of me leaving him. My mouth formed a smile, but I was scared to answer it. I pressed my shaky thumb to the phone, sliding the answer button to the side. I placed my phone to my ear.

"Jack?" My voice broke.

"Heeeyyyyyy, Allllex!" He slurred.

"Jack, are you ok?" I began to worry.

"I'm great! How are you this morning?" He laughed. I could hear the rain beating around him. Was he outside?

I looked at the clock; 10:45 pm.

"Jack, where are you?" I asked him worriedly.

"Hooligan's," the tone of his voice seemed to change to frustration.

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