Our Song | Shawn

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"Shawn," I said as I shook awake the snoozing boy beside me. My legs were on both sides of his body, straddling him, trying multiple ways to wake him up.

"Baby," I hummed, pinching his cheeks. His cheeks reddened, due to the sensitivity of his skin. I began to leave kisses on his lips and jaw.

"Hm?" A sleepy Shawn questioned. His dark eyelashes fluttered open as he rubbed his eyes with his fist. He smiled drowsily once he looked at me. His hand reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear. His thumb caressed my cheek.

"I want to learn our song on guitar!" I pleaded.

"By Taylor?" His raspy voice inquired.

"No, silly. Our song!" I giggled. " 'Can't Help Falling in Love'!"

Our song was by the king himself, Elvis Presley. We were in the car one night, right at the beginning of our relationship, I was scrolling through Tumblr when I saw Twenty One Pilots's cover. I plugged it up to the speakers, and Shawn and I fell I love with the way Tyler and Josh did it. He sang it to me all the time, but now I wanted to learn it.

"Go get my guitar," Shawn smiled. I got off of his bare chest, watching him smile as I went for his Taylor. He shoved the blanket, which was hanging low on his hips, off of him. His large hand ran through his hair as he watched me come back with the beautiful guitar in hand. I sat next to him on the fluffy duvet, about to play, when Shawn pulled me into his lap.

Shawn kissed my shoulder lightly with his plump lips, and after all these years, he still made the butterflies erupt in my stomach. He fixed my tank top strap, which had fell and was hanging off my shoulder, pulling it back into place. His hand moved down to mine, putting my fingers in the form of C.

"It starts on C, transitions to Em, then Am. So," Shawn said as he moved my hand, starting to sing. "Wise men say." His hands switched mine to play F, C, and G. "Only fools rush in..." His arms dropped to my lap, putting them behind the guitar to cuddle into me. I knew how to play, I just loved the feeling of his hands on mine. "But I can't help falling in love with you."

He continued to tell me the chords, singing along. His voice was soothing, making me fall in love even more. My heart fluttered, the pounding in my chest increasing.

"Sounds beautiful, my love," Shawn whispered, his hot breath against my neck. His plump lips were soft against my skin, planting a long, lingering kiss on me. It wasn't going to leave a hickey, it was just a normal kiss; one like a peck on the cheek.

"Shawn," I whined.

"What?" His word came out mumbled, for his mouth was still against my neck.

"You're not helping me play these chords."

"Babe," Shawn laughed, resting his chin on my shoulder. "You know how to play."

"So?" I huffed.

"So why do I need to teach you how to play chords you already know?" He asked.

"Because I love the feeling of your hands on mine." Perhaps it was the most cliche thing to ever leave my mouth, but it was true. When Shawn holds my hand, I still feel the spark I felt on our first kiss. Whenever he hugs me, the warmth of his body engulfs me into a hug that no sun could ever compare to. Every morning, when I wake up next to him, I smile to myself because I know that we made it. We passed all of those obstacles that life threw at us, and, somehow, we made it. And I knew that he, like me, was in love.

Shawn's hands left my lap, putting one hand on my cheek. His thumb rubbed my face. He pulled my jaw so I was facing him, from there he planted a sweet kiss on my lips.

Once we both pulled away, our foreheads rested against each other's. I opened my eyes, looking  into his brown ones. They reminded me of hot chocolate on Christmas Eve. Think about it. Warmth filled your heart as you thought about the joy of the next morning. Waking up, spending time with your loved ones. Presents didn't matter as long as you were with the people that meant most to you. It was pure happiness. And Shawn, he is my happiness. He's my Christmas morning, and all my other holidays. He's my life, he's my world.

"I love you, Shawn. So much."

"And I love you more than you can ever imagine."

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