Ex Boyfriends | Matt

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I stood on my toes as I searched the top of Matt's door frame for his spare key that he always left for me. My fingertips grazed the end of it, and grasping it, I yanked it down. My shaky hand shoved it inside the handle. I shoved open the door. I was greeted by an excited Burnie.

I sat down next to him on the floor. My hands ruffled his ears, rubbing the top of his head. Burnie licked the tears off my cheeks, then my nose if I'd sniffle. I giggled a bit. Burnie let me hug him.

"Where's Daddy, huh, Burns?" I asked the dog as if he were a kid. I stood up, patting his side. He barked and led me to Matt's room. Matt was in the shower, so I just crawled in his bed, Burnie soon joining me under his owner's soft blankets. I buried my head into Matt's pillow and could smell his cologne. I was going to wait until he got out and not disturb him, but I actually fell asleep rather quickly.


I woke up about an hour later. Matt's arm was snug around my waist. His head was buried in his back. I could hear the sound of light snores coming from his open, plump lips. I turned around, flipping over his body so I could lay on top of him. Matt's arms instantly wrapped around my waist and tangling his legs with mine. He stirred in his light, peaceful sleep.

"What?" He asked in a thick voice. His voice was a tiny bit raspier than normal, so he cleared his throat. He rubbed at his sleep eyes as he leaned up. Looking down at my head on his chest, he sighed. Not in spite of me, but in spite of my boyfriend. "Did he do it again?"

I didn't have to do anything, for when I sniffled, Matt knew. He sat up against his head board, pulling me closely on his lap. "Babe, you gotta leave him."

"I, uh, I did," I spoke with a stutter. My fingers brushed through my hair, setting it on the right side of my neck.

Matt rested his hand on the left, bare side of my neck. His thumb caressed my jaw lightly as I played my fingers.

"Good. I hated that asshole."

I looked up to face Matt, who had a small smile on his face. His hand reached up and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. Matt licked his thumb lightly, cleaning up the black mascara stains off my face. I have a small laugh, leaning down and kissing his cheek.

"You're a great friend, Matt. Thank you for everything."


There was no denying my feelings for Matt. I had loved him the day I met him, but I was too scared to say anything. I didn't want to ruin a good friendship, so I eventually gave up and got a boyfriend. He hated Matt, started threatening to leave me if I stayed friends with him. He later began cheating, not even bothering to hide it. I'd find stuff that never belonged to me in our shared apartment, and I eventually gave up. Matt let me move in with him in his house. It was a nice change. Matt actually worked hard for things in his life and wasn't a dead beat. My feelings only grew stronger, but I didn't want Matt to think of it as a rebound, if he found out. But I'd wake up to him cooking me breakfast every morning, he'd take me out to eat, surprise me with random gifts. To put at the least, he'd basically done everything my actual boyfriend should've done and even more. Three months later, something happened.

Matt had taken me out to eat and in walked my ex with a girl on his arm. Matt narrowed his eyes at him, his jaw clenching. I placed my hand on his in attempt to calm him down.

"It's fine, Matt. Why don't we just leave," I assured.

"No," he hissed. "We're gonna stay here and enjoy our dinner, and if that asshole even looks at you, I'm gonna castrate him."

Normally, I'd find angry Matt very hot, but I didn't want him hurt. My ex was twice the size of Matt.

"Hey, Matt, look at me." My finger pulled his chin so he'd face me. His brown eyes softened at the sight of my own. He breathed out, his muscles relaxing. "I'm not with him anymore. It's okay."

My ex walked by the table, glancing at Matt. Realization hit him, and he backed up.

"See? I knew you were with him!" He gave a deep chuckle. "I should've known you were a little s-"

And that's when Matt threw a punch.


"Oh, Matty," I sighed as he took off his shirt and sat on his bathroom sink. "Your chest and your stomach look spotless." My hand pressed against his bare skin, trying to get a better look at where he had taken a couple punches. "Now your face on the other hand."

"Is still gorgeous?" Matt winked.

"Of course," I laughed. "You shouldn't have gotten involved.

I pulled out a sterilizing wipe from the first aid kit to get the blood off of his busted lip.

"Did you not hear him? He was about to start calling you names. I told you I wasn't going to put up with him."

"I know, Matt. Thank you for sticking up for me." I started cleaning up under his eye, just above his cheekbone, which made him wince a little. "I just didn't want you hurt."

My hands ran through his hair. I pushed it to the side, his soft locks still looking perfect. His large hand pulled my wrist down and intertwined our fingers. His lips pressed against the back of my hand.

"I'd do anything for you, (y/n). No matter how messed up I get."

"I'm just one person, Matt. But thank you."

"Not to me," he said. I put my hands on the counter, each on the other side of him. "You're my whole world. I love you."

"I love you, too," I smiled as I reached for the butterfly bandages.

His hand grabbed mine and put it against his cheek. His hands pressed against my waist. He pulled me tightly into his chest, leaning his head down to become eye level with me. His face slowly got closer to mine but stopped with our lips centimeters away.

"No, (y/n). I love you."

Then, he kissed me, and that's when I knew we'd be together for a long time.

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