I love you.

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Hi guys. So I know how hard and difficult times can get, and how you feel like you're trapped in a hole and can't get out, or that nobody cares, but I'm here to tell you that I do care. You're not alone, I love you. If you guys ever feel alone, please come talk to me. If you need someone to rant to, to cry to, to just vent to, I AM HERE FOR YOU. I know how things get, we've all been there. I want you to stay strong for me, I want you to stay strong for the boys, I want you to stay strong for all the people that love and care about you, and most importantly, I want you to stay strong for yourself. You have to believe in yourself and don't let anybody get you down. You can and will accomplish things. You all mean so much to me. You inspire me to keep me writing, your sweet comments make me smile, as well as your votes. I do this because I love it, and I love getting to talk to you guys. I love helping people through rough times because sometimes you need someone, and that's okay, even if they're on the Internet.

Just please remember, I will always be here for you. Someone loves you. ❤️

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