Meet The Griers | Hayes

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Imagine for : @hannahambrosio

"But what if they don't like me?" I sighed, crossing my arms against my chest. Hayes's skinny fingers grasped them, pulling them apart, and wrapped them around his neck. He hugged me tightly, his hands placed lightly on my waist.

"I find that quite impossible, my love," his blue eyes pierced mine. "Besides, if they don't, I still do." He winked, his fluttering dark lashes highlighting his face. His cheeks became rosy when I smiled at him.

"Now, I do believe we have a couple of people waiting to meet you, so I say we go in."


"This is so good! I love pasta," you smiled politely at Hayes's stepmom, Nila. Her blonde hair was perfectly curled, her natural glowing tan making her look even more gorgeous.

She smiled her sweet smile, "Thank you, Hannah. But Chad and I would absolutely love to hear how Hayes and you met."

"I, for one, would love to hear how this nerd got someone like you," Nash smirked deviously at his younger brother.

You looked at Nash, puzzled, wondering what he meant.

"Well, sorry, Hayes, but basically what I was saying was..." He trailed off, looking at Hayes. "You're hot and Hayes is... Well, he's Hayes."

"Nash!" Chad scolded, right before Hayes kicked him in the shin. Nash just laughed, smiling at me. My blush only deepened.

'Good god,' I thought. I never really was good at accepting compliments, for I always stuttered while turning as red as a tomato, muttering a quick 'thank you' under my breath before speeding off. However, I was stuck.

"Uh, thank you?" I chuckled. "But do you wanna tell it or do you want me to?" I smiled at Hayes, a large grin plastered on his face.

"I wanna tell them," he spoke.

-Six Months Earlier (Hayes's POV)-

I was running all over the school like a mad man, I'm not gonna lie. I was sharing a room with Cameron, who I could not find anywhere. I had my lacrosse stick in my hand, pushing my way swiftly through people. However, all of the loud and way too hype people were giving me a headache and causing me to stress out. So, I quickly tried to find somewhere quiet to go.

Very few people were at the food court since it wasn't open yet. I found myself a seat, looking over the few people that were already in here.

There were only three: one boy and two girls.

On the left side, there was a girl and boy. The boy was average height. He had short, messy blonde hair with a mix of Harry Potter and hipster glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose (more the HP though). He had pink lips and a pearly white smile.

The girl next to him looked at him, laughing and swatted his arm.

"Christian, leave."

The boy, who, at the time I assumed to be Christian, glared at her.

"Akridge, I was joking."

"Whatever," his sneer turned into a giggle as he looked at her.

The girl had curled dark blonde hair, soft freckles lining her cheeks. Her pink. lightly glossed lips forming into a smile as Christian pushed her shoulder back. They carried on a normal conversation.

I looked at the girl on the right. She was sitting on her own, reading a book as she awkwardly glanced above the yellow pages. She looked across at the couple, then quickly glanced at me. I guess I had shocked her, so she did a double take. Her long dark hair hid a part of her face, prominent, big brown eyes piercing my own. She gave a small smile at me, her tiny hand tossed up, waving to me. She quickly turned back to her book.

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