Jealousy | Sammy

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Being called up to the office in the middle of my English class kind of scared me. My parents never came to get me early unless it were an emergency. I had tossed my books in my locker carelessly, grabbing Sammy's jacket to slip over my cold arms. I played with the sleeves, nervously awaiting my fate.

My hand gripped the cool metal doorknob that lead to the front office. I slowly opened the door, revealing Bryant standing there with a look on his face that said, 'don't say anything.'

"Well if it isn't my pretty little niece, Angelica!" He said cheerfully. After a wave to the lady at the desk, Bryant and I made our way out to the car full of the boys

"What was that?" I laughed as I scooted close to Sammy. His arm was instantly slung around me tightly, his warmth engulfing me.

"Well, I know you don't like school, and obviously I couldn't come in there to get you because I look too young, so I made Bryant pretend to be your uncle!" He laughed. "Didn't you just miss your Uncle Bryant?" He laughed while he punched my cheeks. I shoved him lightly.

"Thank you, Bryant. I wanted to die because all we did was work after work and ughhh," I groaned rubbing my temples.

"But it's good to see you boys as well! I'm assuming everyone else is back at your place, Sam?" I took note of the many boys they tried to fit in the car. I saw Nate, of course. There Cam, Bryant, and Matt. I have no clue how we all fit in here, for the car wasn't even that big, but we made it work somehow.

"Well, that's what we were gonna discuss," Sammy seemed to hesitate.

I eyed him curiously.

"The boys are kind of at your house....?" He seemed to question.

"All of them?!" I shrieked.

Sammy nodded timidly. Don't get me wrong, I love the boys to death, I just don't want them all in my house. Think about it this way: including me, there's going to be thirteen people in my house. Most teenagers or just at and under the age of twenty, it will get pretty rowdy. My house isn't huge, it's a nice average sized, but sometimes I just don't trust all these boys together. I'll probably get home to a giant hole in the wall (most likely with Johnson stuck in it) and shattered China and spilled food. Then I'll have angry parents.... And now I have a headache.

"Babe, babe. Don't worry! I left Gilinsky in charge, it'll all be-"

"Leaving Gilinsky in charge is supposed to make me feel better?" I laughed.

The other boys laughed as well. We soon got to my house, and I was surprised to see it still intact. No little blonde haired boys named Jack were stuck in a wall, so that's a start.

I was warmly greeted by the rest of the boys: the Jacks, Cameron, Nash, Hayes, Aaron, Taylor, Shawn, and Carter.

The boys and I decided that we would order pizzas and go to the movie rental place. I then went to change out of my nasty school clothes.

I slipped on a pair of light skinny jeans and a gray tee shirt that came just under my belly button. I wasn't much for showing a lot of skin, so I never went too far with my clothes. Sammy said he loved it about me. I took my hair out of its braid, leaving it in dark, loose waves: its natural form. I grabbed my white converse off of the floor and slipped them on. My ankle bracelet (that I had gotten from Sammy for my birthday) daintily dangled above.

I met the boys outside. Three cars were set up going to three different places.

The first car:
It held, Nash, Hayes, Cameron, and Bryant. They were going to pick up the pizza and breadsticks.

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