Coming Home | Gilinsky

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Five hours, sixteen minutes, and twenty seven seconds until he gets home.

Jack was the light of my life, and recently, he had been gone on tour. Don't get me wrong, I was proud- beyond proud of him and how hard he was smashing it- I just missed him terribly. Sure, we texted everyday. We skyped every chance we got along with calls and snapchats, but it wasn't the same. He wasn't here to hold me, to cuddle me, or kiss me; he wasn't here for dinner dates, hand-holding, hugs, or movie marathons. But tonight, he would be home.

I had taken the liberty of getting our house ready. I had done a months worth of cleaning in two hours, and even got a banner that read 'Welcome Home Jack!' along with some balloons and confetti.

I had went and bought a nice dress, and I had gotten an amazing recipe from my grandma so I could cook a great dinner. I was currently in a pair of volleyball shorts and a tank top, fixing my hair and doing my makeup.

I didn't put on a lot; Jack said he liked me when I wore minimal to no makeup, that I looked gorgeous either way. He had a way of making me feel beautiful.

I brushed on some eyeshadow that matched my skin almost perfectly, for all I wanted was just a little sparkle. I spread some mascara on my eye lashes, and planned on a light lipgloss to put on right before he opened the door.

Since I had been on a crazy work out kick for the past month, which was very odd, my legs felt like jelly. And running around our large house did not help at all.

I decided to plop down on the bed, just scrolling through Instagram. As I got further and further down the page, my eyes became extremely heavy and I began to drift off to sleep.

*No One's POV*

Y/N shivered in her sleep, her light, lazy clothes not keeping her body warm at all. The hours had ticked by since she first fell asleep in her halfway ready state. Her mascara had smeared across the white duvet, and a third of her curled hair was now just a frizzy, flat mess, and drool dropped slowly from her open lips. Her snores were silent as she buried her face even deeper in the soft bed.

Jack, on the other hand, was getting off of the taxi he took home. His pearly white smile glistened in the moonlight, the sun almost setting. There was just enough light outside to see where he was going. He quickly payed the cab driver, snatching his luggage and red roses as fast as possible, eager to see his girlfriend. She was all he thought of when he was away with Jack. The tour was lovely, seeing his beautiful fans and his/her smiles when they reached him. It was a piece of him he never wanted to lose.

He breathed in the cold air of the night, running a hand through his soft, black hair. His luggage scraped against the pavement behind him. As he listened to the cab driver speed away, all he could think about was his beautiful girlfriend.

Jack rushed to the front door of his house, too eager to look for his keys. He grabbed their hidden spare key, slipping it into the lock. One by one, he threw his four bags into the doors.

"Y/N!" He shouted gleefully. "IM HOME.... Y/n?" His voice dwindled at the end once he became faced with the darkness filled room.

He left his bags scattered, running around his house to find his girl. First, he checked her most visited place: the kitchen. Then the TV room, and then the bedroom. He found her peacefully asleep on their large bed. He sat down the flowers he bought her on the nightstand, smiling at her sleeping state. He lifted her face up with his hand, using his thumb to wipe away the slobber on her cheek.

He covered her shivering body with one of his own tee shirts. He pulled down the soft covers that laid on the bed, crawling in and pulling her wig him. The pair snuggled into each other. He was happy to be at home and in her presence, even if she was sleeping. He pressed his lips to hers with a smile.

"Goodnight my beautiful princess. I love you."

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