Morning Cuddles and Confessions | Shawn

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  *Wasn't really sure how to title this one lol. But this gives your guys's back story on how you became best friends. You're both in love, neither of you noticing the other's feelings.


Maybe it was the way you made him feel that made Shawn fall in love with you. Maybe it was your smile, or your blush, or your voice. Your voice could calm his nerves in the blink of an eye. You were on his speed dial, you were saved on video in his phone. Shawn thought your accent was adorable, and he could never get enough of it.

   It was everything about Shawn that you were in love with. His smile, his lips, that little scar on his cheek that made him even more adorable. It was his fluffy morning hair and raspy morning voice. His chocolate brown eyes have you a sense of home and contentment. Both his singing voice and his talking voice were your anchors to put you at bay. His arms were a strong type of protection that always made you feel safe.

The funny thing is? You weren't even dating. Though it was very obvious that you were both in complete and utter love to everyone around you, the two of you just couldn't believe it.

"We're best friends..." For years straight, that was both of your excuses to everyone who said one should ask the other out. 

You had met when Shawn was sixteen and you were fifteen. You believed it was the dorkiest story of them all: a three day, all night streaming of the Harry Potter movies. You were waiting on your friend and her boyfriend to arrive. It was awkward, third wheeling a couple, but as they were both your friends, friends that were as in love with the movies as you, it seemed a reasonable choice. You didn't want a date, who would bother you the entire movie by trying to slickly put his arm around your shoulders, so you refused to let them set you up, which ultimately agreed to you being the third wheel.

You had gotten a large bag of popcorn, the largest soda you could, and a box of cookie dough bites. Your motto tonight was "might as well say, 'accio 10,000 pounds,'" and "go big or go home." These were some of your favorite movies, so why not enjoy them? 

These items were stacked in your arms, and if you weren't careful, they'd be lying in the floor. You carefully maneuvered your way through the thick line of anxious nerds, swiftly making your way to your place at the end of the line. You only had a few more steps to go, yet you still managed lose grip of your food. 

You felt two large hands stop your food from falling. Which also helped stop your tears from falling. You loved food, and it loved you. 

Your eyes peeked above the mountain of popcorn, making you come face-to-face with a boy around your age. He was crouched down, holding the bottom of your popcorn bag. 

"Here, I can hold this for you," a voice sounded from the boy's lips. 

"Thank you," you sighed from relief when the large bucket of popcorn was taken from your hands. 

You got a good look at the boy: dark brown hair, twisted upward, somewhat spikey. He had deep brown eyes to match his hair, these holding warmth and happiness behind them. He had plump lips, much like small pillows, which held a light grin. The grin faded when he looked at your shirt. It was Slytherin. 

(For those who have never watched Harry Potter in his or her life, and is probably wondering *Lydia Martin voice* 'what the hell is a Slytherin?' : In Harry Potter, they go to Hogwarts, their school, which is divided up into four 'houses.' These houses are Slytherin, usually considered the bad one, though not completely, but they are cunning; Gryffindor, the brave, the most known for that is where Harry Potter is placed; Ravenclaw, the brains; and Hufflepuff, the sweet, sometimes random one. SLYTHERIN AND GRYFFINDOR HAVE A SOMEWHAT FEUD! I guess that's what you would call it lol. Hope this helped!)

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