Cam Preference

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"Cam, baby, where's your black sweater?" You ask, walking into your shared room. Currently still in his sweatpants and a tank top, you struggled to find a cute outfit in five minutes.

Cameron walked out of the bathroom in it.

"Cameron!" You groaned.

"What?" He laughed as sat on the bed to slip on his vans.

"I was gonna wear that shirt," you pout.

He glanced down at his chest, pinching and pulling forward the material. "Babe, you do know this is mine, right?" He laughed.

Plopping down next to him, you sighed and lied your head on his broad shoulder.

"I don't know what to wear!"

You were just going to see the guys, but you needed something to wear.

"Here," he sighed, taking off the shirt and handing it over. "Only because I love you. But go change pants. I'm changing so be ready in five!"

After searching for your leggings over and over in the laundry room, you decided to head back to the room.

"Cameron, have you seen my-"

You stop to see him wearing your flower print leggings, which you were looking for.

"Baby..." You trailed off.

"What? You don't like it?" He asked in an obnoxious sounding voice. "Does it make my butt look big?"

"That's the problem. Yours is better than mine!" I laughed.

Cameron slung his arm around me, "jealousy looks cute on you, babe."

He winked over at me, before pulling out a different pair of pants to change into. He kissed my cheek quickly.

"I love you," he said.

"And I love you, you big dork."

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