Chapter Thirty-Nine - Long Lost Words

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Chapter Thirty-Nine - Long Lost Words 

Maggie walked straight into Mikhail’s chest, having lost herself within her own thoughts and not actually paying any attention to where she was going. “Oh, sorry!” She stammered, backing up a few steps to keep the feeling of Mikhail’s rock-hard chest from making her heart flutter again. She quickly looked away from his strong, angled face and tried to focus on something much less good looking. Behind Mikhail, was a mountain of blackness, towering over them both like a monster ready to engulf him and her together.

Maggie’s breath hitched in the throat as the vision of Grand Castle took its form and her eyes adjusted to the dark facade. Black, menacing stone made up the skin, appearing like dragon scales which rose high into the sky, so far up that Maggie couldn’t quite see the top peak of the highest spire. A single arch stood at the base of the castle, harboring two massive wooden doors; closed tight to keep her out, or perhaps something else in. Hundreds, if not thousands, of arciform windows seemed scattered all over without rhyme or reason, bringing in what little light they could, although only making the massive structure appear darker and more sinister than ever. “Please tell me that is not your house.” Maggie croaked out, wanting nothing more in her life than to never step foot in a place like that.

“Alright,” Mikhail answered plainly, letting her take a good, long look before asking her in. He could easily remember when as a child he too thought Grand Castle was frightening and morbid looking. “That is not my house.”

“Oh good, I was . . .”

“It’s my castle.”

Maggie let out a defeated sigh, realizing all-too-quickly that Mikhail was fully expecting her to join him inside. “It’s pretty creepy, Mikhail.” She admitted, hoping he wouldn’t come up with one of his familiar taunts to jab her with.

“I know it is. But it’s not nearly as bad once you get inside. It’s just old and big, nothing to be afraid of.” He tilted his head slightly in thought, carefully choosing his words. “There are evil things which lurk within the walls, Maggie, I won't lie. But, he usually keeps to himself with regards to others and I've already told him he holds no sway over me. Just don't go search him out and you'll be fine.”


“Leviathan.” Mikhail spat the name out with disgust. “He is evil inside and out and will chew you up and spit you back out before you've even had the chance to say hello.”

“Isn’t being evil what passes for being good around here? I would think you would be proud of him for that, not scared.”

“I’m not scared of him, Maggie.” Mikhail flustered. “I’m scared for you. You’ve never dealt with a man like him and I don’t ever want to see you have to. Just stay away from him. Grand Castle is big enough; I doubt you would have to try hard in order to achieve such a simple request. He doesn’t have a single atom of good in him and he won’t hesitate to prove it to you.”

“Mikhail, don’t be ridiculous. Everyone has some good in them. But, if it makes you feel any better, I promise I’ll avoid him.”

“Thank you. The last thing I need right now is to have to defend you against a man like that. Now come on. I want to show you around your new home.”

Maggie took one last look behind her, watching the world of lights glow against the hazy, smog-filled air and already felt more comfortable there than inside a castle she had never been in. And yet, she had the feeling that as long as she stuck near Mikhail, he would keep her safe. Turning back, she gave him a weak smile and took his hand, letting him lead her step by step across the bridge and towards Grand Castle.

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