Magic Spawn: Chapter 20

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by Meredith Skye

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The realization came to Rian that he was laying on his stomach. Every muscle in his body ached. His body felt heavy, but at least he could feel. He perceived light, but his head swam with pain and it was hard to make out any shapes. Surely he couldn't have won? He must have lost, but then why was he still alive?

He realized that he heard voices and tried to focus.

"He's coming around," he heard what sounded like Harlan's voice.

A hand help him roll over onto his side. He shielded his eyes, as the light was so bright. "What?" said Rian. "Are you ... where's the creature?" He struggled to get up, reaching around to find his sword, at the same time. He accomplished neither.

"Take it easy," said Harlan. "It's okay."

"Did I get it?" asked Rian, confused. He managed to get up into a sitting position. His eyes were so bleary, he couldn't keep them open.

"No," said Zane stepping forward. "I did."

Rian's brain still felt fuzzy. "Oh," he said.

"You're welcome," said Zane, cleaning his sword with a grin.

Smug bastard. Now Rian owed him one and the thought annoyed him.

"Westin must have been hit with a daze spell," said Harlan, who always had a name for every spell. "He came out of it eventually. Luckily, Zane got here just as you went down."

Rian nodded at Zane though he didn't want to play up this victory too much, lest it go to Zane's head. He found his sword and sheathed it.

From the parking lot, Edward showed up. "What did I miss?" he asked.

"I killed a powerful inter-dimentional monster," said Zane casually, putting his sword away. "And saved everyone."

Show off. It was insufferable. "Yes, thank you, Zane," said Rian, with just a touch of sarcasm.

"You're welcome. Rian here nearly got killed. The beast blinded him."

"Wow," said Edward, disappointed that he'd missed it. "That's so crazy!"

"The necromancer must have summoned the creature," said Harlan. "I bet that's a high level spell. Who knows what else he can do!"

"Yes. This is a tragic time for our city," said Edward, striking a thoughtful pose, so contrived that at first Rian thought he was going to make a joke. Then he realized that Edward was serious: he was going into 'Steward' mode. "We cannot abandon our neighbors and fellow citizens of Millersfield to this evil wizard's power."

"Necromancer," said Harlan.

"Necromancer's power," amended Edward, then continued his theatrical speech. It took effort for Rian to keep from rolling his eyes. "And as Steward," continued Edward. "I have decided to call together the Gondorian Warrior Circle to fight this terrible menace to our great city."

"Great. About time," Rian said. "We need to attack the crypt with everything we have. We'll overwhelm the wizard and get back my mother and Kyran, if he's there."

"That's too risky," said Zane. "We don't know what kind of power he has. We need to stay here and protect the city." As though suddenly Zane was some kind of expert, just because he'd killed the beast. "We'll report this to the authorities and wait for reinforcements." He turned to Edward. "This would be the wise thing to do."

"You have to be kidding me," said Rian. "The authorities won't listen to us! my own uncle, who's a cop didn't believe us. And by the time they listen, my mother might be dead!"

"And how many more will die if they attack the city?" countered Zane.

"Look," said Rian. "My mother, and maybe even Kyran, are up there!" He pointed to the hill that the graveyard sat on. "And I'm going after them, with or without your help!"

Everyone looked solemn.

Edward stood a little taller. "I'm the Steward, and I agree with Zane. We need to protect the citizens of Millersfield. We'll set up a perimeter, watch the graveyard, discover any suspicious activity and report it to the police."

"Screw you!" said Rian, furious. "I'm going anyway."

Immediately, Westin joined him. "I'll come too, and watch your back."

"Thanks, Westin." He felt a rush of gratitude; Westin was always there for him.

"The rest of you are cowards!" shouted Rian.

Harlan emerged from the tent and ran after them, clumsily fastening on his home made armor as he ran. Slung over his shoulder was an old katana sword, mostly decorative. Something he'd certainly never used.

Rian stopped at turned to him. "What are you doing?"

"Coming with you," said Harlan.

"Hold on," said Rian. "And that armor of yours has failed inspection twice in a row. And I don't even know if that sword is sharp enough to cut anything."

"It's sharp enough," said Harlan.

Rian doubted that. "You're no fighter."

"I know a lot of about magic," said Harlan.

"From gaming ...."

"I can help," insisted Harlan.

Rian stared at him, reluctant, but he was hardly in a position to turn down help at this point. "Okay, but stay in the back."

Harlan nodded. "Sure." He continued to tighten his helmet, made from an old bicycle helmet.

It wasn't much help, but it was better than no help at all. They followed Rian over the fence and towards the cemetery.


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