Magic Spawn: Chapter 17

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by Meredith Skye

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The keen anger that Rian felt turned slowly to a knot of fear.

He'd left Aunt Aldena at the house with Kyran in tow, after learning that his little brother was an artificial life-form created by the necromancer, Molan.

The boy looked more alien than ever now that Rian knew he wasn't truly human. Rian hadn't fully accepted that yet, nor did he understand how a wizard from another dimension had created Kyran—or why.

Aldena shouldn't have kept this from him, and the thought only made Rian more angry.

Rian snuck at look at his brother. He looked the same as before. Kyran was different, there was no doubt about that. He'd always been different.

The boy had never behaved like the other kids. Sometimes he'd been happy to stare at the wall for hours, studying patterns of light and shadow, responding to others only when it pleased him. Ignoring everyone at times. Other times he played with the kitten for hours, or studied blades of grass or colonies of ants.

Kyran was also smart, there was no doubt about that. Kyran easily got good grades when he tried, and school work seemed to please him. He had very few social skills at all—not good at conversation, not good at understanding how others felt. Kyran didn't seem to understand his own emotions, though he had them. Not everyone saw the side of Kyran that Rian did, as his brother.

Rian wasn't sure what angered him more: that the necromancer, Molan, had kidnapped their mother in a bid to get Kyran back; or that his aunt meant to do nothing about it. He wasn't sure what she could do, but Rian wasn't going to sit around and wait for someone else to help them. The Arlunni. What if they were too late? Molan could kill his mom before they could save her.

Rian avoided the road, taking off across the field near the house, keeping to the bushes and trying to stay out of sight. Kyran followed silently, his eyes wide with worry.

A stray sound startled Rian and he stopped behind a tree, then slowly he peered out. Kyran stopped beside him, looking into the darkness. A few moments passed but Rian saw no one. The field seemed empty.

"Are you taking me to Molan?" asked Kyran. His voice was flat and matter-of-fact. Others might think he had no emotions, but Rian saw the tension in his body and heard the tremor in his voice. Kyran was scared.

"Don't be stupid," said Rian. "I'm not trading you to Molan."

He motioned Kyran to be silent and they continued through the field in the darkness. The only light came from the moon, in patches through the clouds. Kyran followed but he had a questioning look.

A cool breeze blew across the meadow, catching old fallen leaves, tumbling and scattering them along the dirt path.

Rian moved cautiously through the dark, with Kyran clinging close behind him. Sounds distracted him, to his left and right. He felt like they were not alone.

"Let's go," he whispered to his little brother, taking him by the hand. They ran, heedless of the sound they made.

Then, on his right, he was aware of movement and suddenly a figure came into view, wearing a long, dark cape and brandishing a silver sword.

Was it the necromancer?

"Get back!" shouted Rian. He let go of Kyran, shoving him behind him slightly. In a panic, Rian fumbled to draw his sword. Too slow. He gave up and dodged as the figure bore down upon him.

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