Chapter One

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I remember when the hardest decision you ever had to make was choosing the kind of ice cream you wanted from the shop or what color you wanted to use for the next part of your master piece in your coloring book.

No, I'm not your typical average girl who likes to play with make up and dress up like a barbie doll, I'm one of those girls that like random things. Some people think I'm nuts, and others just never bother to even take the time to get to know me. I haven't quite come to terms with the fact that I'm different to other people. I'm one of those lost, all-over-the-place kind of girls who still manages to hold her head up and smile no matter how much pain she feels. Life always seems to throw me curve balls, which also sucks considering I suck at sport, so I usually end up getting smacked in the face.

It's like life's trying to tell me the same thing over and over like I hadn't got the message the last million times of being struck to the face. Don't get me wrong, I am quite fortunate to have the things I have in my life, but sometimes it just isn't enough. 

Day One:

"NORA, GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE. NOW!" Oh God, here she goes again with another one of her tantrums. 

My older sister Elliana stands at her door, arms crossed, tapping her foot on the floor with a look on her face like she had just been forced to eat broccoli. (She HATES broccoli)

"What the fuck did I say about wearing my clothes Nora?!?!"

I can't help but laugh. She looks soo... well let's just put it this way, if ugly had an expression, it would be on her face riiight now. I look at her and the expression still hasn't left her face, I look down trying to control my laughter.

"Come on Ells, I thought we already discussed this. When it comes to clothes, what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours. Remember?"

I take a deep breath still trying to control myself. Dont laugh. Dont laugh. You'll only make things worse. What ever you do, DO NOT LAUGH. 

"The least you could do is ask before taking my clothes Nora." I roll my eyes. You see, when it comes to someone doing something wrong, Elliana will not hesitate to nark but as soon as the spotlight has been placed on her, she acts as if she's some nun who has never committed a crime in her life.

I look at her again, her expression has changed slightly but not enough to look genuinely upset. "If that is what your Highness is requesting, then it shall be so." I turn around and hear her call me a weirdo under her breath. 

The term "weirdo" doesn't get to me as much as it used to. I used to take it rather offensively actually. But now that I'm less of a kid I have come to realize that there are several types of "weirdos". I, however, did not fit the role of the other weirdos. When someone tells me I'm weird, it brightens my day. I turn to thank them with a smile on my face like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland and they have this look on their face like I'm on some sort of drug. Oh well, it always reassures me that I'm different from everyone like I'm unique. Or maybe, just maybe I AM weird.... Either way, I just have to remember to keep my head up no matter what gets thrown at me. Head up baby girl. Don't let anything get to you. 

I decided that I better make my way to school, after all, it IS my first day. As I walk the same thoughts gravitate in my head... Don't be late Nora, you know what happened last time... Do you want everyone to stare at you, AGAIN? No, you don't do you... Come on. Make haste. 

So I decide to walk a bit faster. It's times like these I wish my parents wouldn't travel so much. The only people I could depend on were my friends from my old college, but I couldn't stay there. I knew if I had stayed there my education would have just gone down the drain, then my parents would have given me that "I'm so disappointed in you" speech that I've heard my whooole life.

Every time they try and say it a different way as though it's going to sink in better? Yeah. I don't think so. I was so caught up in my thought that when my phone vibrated in my pocket, I got the fright of my life! I pull out my iPhone and smile as I see the face of my nephew blowing me a kiss. In front of his face there's a box that reads *New message from Mila Jane* Mila had to be one of the prettiest people that I had ever met. Yup, I was so jealous that someone could be so beautiful and yet, be so oblivious to the fact that they were. I wish I knew more people at this new place but so far, Mila's all I've got. "NORA! Oh my gosh, where are you? They decided to start early. Like as in class starts NOOW! Hurry..." 

Fuck. The one thing I was aiming not to be today and looks like I failed at that. Just like everything else. I might as well just get a giant tattoo on my forehead that says "BOUND TO FAIL" and then walk around the most remote part of the city and let everyone read it. I decide to text Mila back and ask how much time she thinks I have. I take one last look at my phone before pushing the send button, I put it back in my pocket and start to pick up the pace even more.

I now stand in front of the huge gray doors, questioning whether or not to even open them. Come on Nora. This is it. A new place, a new page in life. You got this. You. Will. Be. Fine.

I take a deep breath in, let everything sink in and open the doors. 

--Sorry I know it's only short but oh well I hope you like it. 

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