I'll See You at Seven

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As I walked away from the apartment block once again, I felt surprisingly at peace. The sun shone above me beaming down brightly and this seemed to reflect in my mood. Why should I have been upset over that idiot? He wanted the truth so that's what I gave him. I could have lied but I didn't, so if my apologies were useless to him I'd just leave him to it.

I had no idea where I was walking to but I just carried on. I was free of all those stupid emotions and the guilt I'd made myself feel and this made me ecstatic. Now was the time to start playing my game.

Glancing around me I realised that nothing around me looked  familiar whatsoever. Houses and traffic were getting scarcer as I let my legs take control and direct me on my mini adventure. I began to approach what looked like a little woods; usually I’d turn around afraid of being murdered or kidnapped or something dramatic like that. Instead I found that curiosity got the better of me and I began to get closer and closer to the woods. I exhaled deeply before taking a step further along the path that suddenly appeared before me.

It was just so peaceful and serene. Tall trees surrounded me as I walked deeper into the woods. Vibrant reds, pale pinks and striking blues stood out amongst the trees. The aroma of the sweet fragrant flowers filled me, so sweet I could almost taste them. A slight breeze was in the air making the leaves in the trees above me dance and flow.  I could clearly hear the birds singing their joyful little hearts out. Walking further along the trail I was stopped in my tracks by a sight of such beauty it took my breath away. In the clearing just ahead stood the most beautiful lake that I had ever seen. The sun shone down radiantly on the surface of the water making it sparkle and glisten. Lily pads covered the surface and I could see fish darting about under the surface. I sat down on a tree stump taking in the beauty when suddenly a soccer ball came flying out of nowhere landing right in the middle of the pond causing an almighty ripple.

"Sorry," called a deep, inviting voice from behind me.

I glanced behind me to see a boy cheekily grinning. He ran his fingers through his short blonde hair and chuckled nervously. His blue eyes sparkled almost as blue as the water that stood before me. He looked about my age but I didn't recognise him from school. Deciding to use my new found confidence I stood up with my hands on my hips.

"So you should be I was here enjoying the peace and you spoilt it," I teased.

He looked sheepish until he saw the grin on my face and his body relaxed slightly.

"Well, the least you could do is tell me your name? And what time you're going to be picking me up," I flirted.

"I'm Thomas nice to meet you. And picking you up?" he said, his face filled with confusion.

I strolled over to him and stood close to him, so close we were nearly touching. Looking directly into his eyes I whispered "Yeah for spoiling my peace you can take me out to dinner at Valentino's. I live at 425 Woodson Street, I'll see you at seven."

I walked away, only looking back as I neared the end of the trail to find him staring in disbelief. This only made me smile more knowing that I was the one in control. He had just practically agreed to take me to dinner and he didn't even know my name. I knew that I was moving too fast in my heart but it was only going to be some fun. I just couldn't let men stop me any longer. Both times that I hd opened myself up I'd been shot down so why should I wait around? What was wrong with me finding something for myself. I knew Thomas was only a pawn in my game, but if blokes can play girls why can't we do it back. I was just going to have to sacrifice Thomas, cruel I know.

My mind wandered to what I would wear tonight. It needed to be something showstopping, it wasn't only him I needed to impress. You see, Jase just happened to have a evening job waiting the tables at Valentino's this was going to be a fun night!

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