Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Ashley Pov.

"Morning bub" Harry said as I woke up. All of a sudden last night came back to me.

"Get off me" I said in disgust.

"What is it Ash?" Harry asked confused.

"I know about you and Zayn's bet Harry, I can't believe that!" I said.

"Ash just hear me out"

"Hear you out?! You expect me to do that? After this whole time you were a liar. I was nothing but real to you! You are a phony!" I yelled.

"Ash, I didn't me-" I cut him off.

"I don't want to hear it. Even though I don't have any family, and even though my life is practically shit, I still feel sorry for you" I said calmly. "I would wait around for the real harry to come out, but I know that waiting for him is like waiting for rain in a drought. Pathetic and disappointing" I said before storming out. I looked at Zayn and shook my head. He and Louis were obviously eaves dropping but whatever. Zayn had just as much part in this as Harry. Im just going to ignore the both of them. All of a sudden a brilliant idea came to my mind. On the inside I was dying because I really do love him but I needed to do this. I needed revenge. I pulled out my phone and dialled the number.

"Hello" She answer through the phone.

"Hey Demi, You know how you are performing in Holmes Chapel next week?"

"Yeah, im here now, Ash what have you got planned?"

"Ill explain it all later, what hotel you at?" I asked and then she gave me all the details. "Alright see you soon" I said. Yes I am friends with Demi Lovato. You know we met a couple months ago.

I arrived at the hotel and then looked around to see the reception desk.

"Hi my name is Ashley Underwood, I am here to see-" I got cut off.

"She is in room 456" The lady said smiling and I nodded thanking her before running to the room. I knocked on her door and she opened it with a big smile.

"Explain" She said. So I explained everything up to where I found out about the bet. "What is your revenge?" She asked.

"Well I was planning on writing a song with you" I said.

"I thought you couldn't sing" She said.

"I lied, I can sing" I laughed. Yes I did lie for the past 9 months. I can sing. Not the best one in the world but I am alright at it.

"Well, let's get to work then" She said and I nodded.

After about two hours of writing the fun song came together.



'You wanna play, you wanna stay
you wanna have it all.
you started messing with my head until I hit the wall
maybe I should've known, maybe I should've known
that you would walk, you would walk
out the door, HEY'


'Said I was done, you met someone
I bounced in your face
cut to the part
you broke my heart so I ran away
maybe you should've known, maybe you should've known
that I would talk, I would talk'


'But even if the stars and moon collide
I never want you back into my life
you can take your words and all your lies
oh, oh, oh I really don't care
But even if the stars and moon collide
I never want you back into my life
you can take your words and all your lies
oh, oh, oh I really don't care'


'I can't believe I ever stayed up writing songs about you
you don't deserve to know the way I used to think about you
oh no not anymore, h no not anymore,
you had your shot, had your shot but you let go!'


'Now if we meet out on the street I won't be running scared
I'll walk right up to you and put one finger in the air
and make you understand, and make you understand
you had your chance, had your chance'


'But even if the stars and moon collide
I never want you back into my life
you can take your words and all your lies
oh, oh, oh I really don't care
But even if the stars and moon collide
I never want you back into my life
you can take your words and all your lies
oh, oh, oh I really don't care'


'Hey, Hey, im a little back,
don't struck boy, ego in tack
look boy, why you so mad
second guessing, but you should've hit that'


'Hey, Demi, I chose the wrong lover
should've picked that one he's cuter than the other,
I just wanna laugh cause he's tryna be a hipster
kick it to the curb and take a polaroid picture'


'But even if the stars and moon collide
I never want you back into my life
you can take your words and all your lies
oh, oh, oh I really don't care
But even if the stars and moon collide
I never want you back into my life
you can take your words and all your lies
oh, oh, oh I really don't care'

Demi and I high fived each other. It was fun to sing and write.

"That is the funnest song I have ever written!" Demi said.

"That is the only song I have ever written" We both laughed. "Now we got to get him there" I said and she nodded.

"I think you should tell Valerie and she will get him there" Demi said and I nodded.

"Well I have to go, Bye Demi" I said hugging her.

"Bye Bye Ashley" She said smiling. I walked out of the hotel and then went back to my house. I walked through the door with a normal face. Because I know if I showed my excitement something would pop out of my mouth.

"Hey Ash" Valerie said.

"Hi guys"

"Aren't you sad?" Niall asked. Valerie hit him on the shoulder. Hard. "Ow" He said.

"I am, but Im sick of crying" I said truthfully. I did want to curl up into a ball and cry but, I was sick of crying over people.  "Anyway Valerie I need to talk to you" I said and she nodded. I took her into a room and told her everything. She agreed to it.

"Do you really think this is the right thing to do though?" She asked and I looked at her.

"Valerie, our relationship was a bet to him. I could do worse" I said and she nodded.

"True" She said and I laughed at her. We walked out of the room together and down to the kitchen. I didn't  expect the kitchen to be occupied. It was Harry looking through the fridge. Im just going to pretend like I hate him. Back to square 1 with him. I looked around the kitchen and spotted headphones. I quickly put them in my ears and pretended to listen to music.

"Ash" Sorry I can't talk, im listening to music. He sighed and walked out of the kitchen mumbling the words.

"Back to square one"


Yo, Yo, Yo. Double update.

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