Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

It had been three weeks. Three weeks since Harry and I started dating, three weeks into my road to recovery. When Harry made that promise that he would help me and be with me every step of the way, He kept that promise. It wasn't like I had fully recovered in three weeks, but I am starting too. My moods haven't had wacky changes and I haven't snapped at little things that I would usually snap at.

"Ash" I heard my name being called and I turned around to see Valerie standing there. Her red dip dyed hair had grown a centimetre or two.

"Valerie! How the hell did you get in Australia?" I asked hugging my best friend. Yes we were now in Australia.

"Niall invited me and I said yes, so he flew me over here" She said blushing abit. By now, everyone knew that Niall and Valerie liked each other, I mean they have been non stop.

"Aww how cute, when are you guys going to start dating?" I asked and she just shrugged.

"I don't know, probably never but you and Harry?" She asked and then it was my turn for my cheeks to turn a crimson colour. She laughed at me and I just hid my face. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I looked up to see Harry staring down at me. He leant down and gave me a kiss on the lips. I heard an Aww and I turned my head to see Valerie staring at Harry and I in Awe.

"It's okay, it won't be long before this is you and Niall" Harry said and she just rolled her eyes and walked away.


"Oi, we're going out to a club, are you coming?" Louis asked Harry and I.

"Nah man, we're just going to stay in and watch some movies" Harry said and I was shocked that Harry just denied clubbing. Harry and Louis held a solid five minute conversation before Louis left with everyone else.

"You know we could have gone right?" I asked him and he turned to look at me.

"Yeah but I would much rather spend the night with you" Harry said looking at me and leaning in to give me a kiss. I kissed back straight away and let's just say the kiss got more passionate. Our tongues were fighting for dominance but in a romantic way. It was slow and passionate. He squeezed my thighs urging me to jump and I did. Soon enough I felt harry walking towards our room and once we got in he gently pinned me against the back of the door. He locked the door and then his lips pecked my own once more before moving down along my jaw line. His lips found my sweet spot and started sucking straight away. Before I knew it, his teeth were grazing at that same spot which im pretty sure would leave a bruise there. I moaned out in complete pleasure and then I looked into Harry's lust filled eyes. My hands roamed down to the hem of his shirt and slowly started lifting his shirt up. Once I lifted it over his head, his hands roamed to the hem of my shirt and repeated the actions. He gave me one last passionate kiss before pulling away. My hands went down to his belt buckle and I started to undo the belt. He looked me in the eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Im sure" I said and he smirked a bit.

"You're so beautiful" He said to me before letting me undo the rest of his belt and pull his jeans off his legs. He repeated the actions with my shorts before gently yet roughly pushing me on the bed.


"So much for watching movies" I heard Louis voice mumble. I opened my eyes realising what had happened last night.

"Oh you're awake" Louis said smirking at me. I looked down making sure I was covered by the blankets.

"Yes I am awake, what do you want Louis?" I asked him and his smirk got even wider.

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