Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I was still frozen over my dad escaping from jail. What was I supposed to do? He is going to look for me. He is going to take me and rape me again. I just know it. And no matter what Harry says, he will stop at nothing to do this. It had been one month since that phone call and nothing suspicious has happened. I had finally finished the dancing school thing and to be completely honest I loved it. It was the best opportunity but I just can't concentrate on that. I knew my father enough to say that he was a bad person. He wasn't afraid to hit a girl.

I froze when I got a text message.

I know more about you then what Harry knows, the two years after he left, I know everything.

I didn't even have to look at the ID I already knew who it was. How does he know everything? By everything does he mean that one mistake that I did?

"Ash" I heard a deep voice say. I turned around to see him. I had tears in my eyes and I knew that I couldn't keep my biggest secret from him. But I kind of had to because he would leave me if I told him and I just couldn't be alone. Not right now. I didn't even want to live without Harry.

"Yeah" I answered.

"What's wrong?" He asked pulling me closer. I pushed him away.

"Harry I'll be back, I need to find Valerie" I said.

"Do you hate me?" He asked with a hurt look.

"No, no I don't hate you" I said running to him and hugging him. "I love you, I just need to find Valerie, and I need to talk to her about something" I said kissing his cheek.

"Alright, She is in the living room" He smiled kissing my lips. I smiled at him and said a quick thankyou before running to the living room and stealing Valerie from Niall.

"What is it Ash?" She asked me and I looked her dead in the eyes.

"He knows"

"Who knows? About what?" Valerie asked clueless.

"Dad knows about those two years" I said hoping she would get it.

"What how does he know?" Valerie screamed.

"I don't know but if he tells people I'm gone" I said.

"What do you mean?"

"If he tells people and everyone finds out I have to leave here, I have to run away" I said with a tear spilling out of my eyes.

"Well you tell people before he has the chance to" She said hugging me.

"How am I meant to tell Harry though?" I asked.

"I don't know but if you don't tell him and he finds out from someone else, how is he going to trust you?" Valerie asked and I nodded as she walked out. Now I was stuck with the decision of how I was going to tell Harry about my worst mistake.

"Harry" I said walking into the room. He looked up and I shut the door.

"I have to tell you something, and you are probably going to walk out of this place" I said looking down.

"Hey, I wouldn't walk out on you" He said standing up and hugging. He kissed the tears that were rolling down my cheek.

"Now what is it?" He asked. I sighed and looked at him.

"When you left for Xfactor, I became a new person, lost all the weight and stuff. But I also did something else. I was sixteen and kind of a rebel. I was getting drunk and stuff and I just wasn't the innocent little girl that you used to know. But I had a big mistake. And that mistake put me in jail for about three weeks" I said looking down. Harry was shocked but kept on listening.

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