Chapter 54

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||If they do not want you as you are, then they do not deserve you.||

Blood was dripping out of his ears by the time she was finished with him, and although Markus had a young girl waiting for him back home, it did not dismiss his actions and who he worked for. Going back into his memories was painful for the both of them, but she saw enough to know that Trask never involved Markus or the other men with any of his work on the Sentinels. Markus was just a trigger happy meat head--they all were.

"You have a beautiful daughter," she said to him after his hallucinations ended. He looked worn out, ready to sleep for eternity, and Wanda found herself sitting down in front of him. "She is thinking about you." Markus slouched forward, his large body turning small with exhaustion. "Why help Trask? Besides the money that I assume he gives you--why help him?"

She leaned forward, trying to catch his attention, but his eyes were shut, and she knew at that moment that he had nothing left.

Wanda left the room, and an Agent took a spot outside the door. As she walked down the hall, she passed the door that the other men were in, and she figured that Steve and Bucky had finished with them. If Markus didn't have any information on the Sentinels, then the others didn't either. They had nothing, and that angered her.

On her way to the lab, Wanda walked past the hall that led down to where Steve and Natasha slept, and when she saw Bucky standing near Natasha's door, she stopped. Without making a sound, Wanda hid behind the wall and watched him. She could have sworn that he was alone, but a second later, she saw the bright red hair that was Natasha's.

Bucky loomed over her, concealing Natasha, but Wanda could see Natasha's hand at his hips, holding him still.

What about Bruce?

Wanda stared at them for a few more minutes, wanting to look away, but finding it hard to. She knew she was watching something that wasn't supposed to be happening. Natasha was a grown woman, and perhaps her relationship with Bruce wasn't as good as she thought it was, but whatever the reason, it wasn't Wanda's business.

With absolute silence, Wanda walked away, leaving Bucky and Natasha to finish what they were doing.

On her way to Pietro's room, she thought of something her father had told her many years ago when she was just a young girl.

We cannot control what the heart desires, Wanda. Do not try and fight what cannot be fought.

She was surprised she even remembered his words, but they echoed through her head on a loop, making her think about herself.

And of Steve.

"There is blood on your hands," Pietro said to her when she walked into the room. She looked down and noticed the dark stains covering her fingers, completely unaware that they were even there. It belonged to Markus, and she went into the bathroom to wash it away.

Her hands throbbed after she was done, and Pietro came in and wiped them down with a clean towel. "He didn't know anything," she said to him. "I couldn't find a single thing." It's not like it was her fault, but she still felt a great deal of guilt for walking out of that room after hours of torturing Markus just to come out with nothing. He simply had no information on the Sentinels, and that was something they were going to have to deal with.

Tony insisted that they use Katarina against him, but Wanda worried that Katarina wouldn't be ready for such a confrontation.

"I still want to kill him," he said, and Wanda sighed, leaning against the sink. "I want to kill anyone who hurts you."

"Have I ever told you how dramatic you are?" she asked, and Pietro finished wiping her hands off with a grin.


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