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||"Body and spirit are twins: God only knows which is which."||

"Can we save him?"

"We can try, but I see no hope."

"She's going to die along with him if we don't do something."

"The agony that she feels in her heart will fade."

"No it won't, not for her."

"With time. Give it time."

Wanda rubbed her sore eyes, and slowly walked back to her room. She had been listening in on Bruce and Natasha talking, and with each word they spoke, she felt the familiar tug of pain in her heart.

Pietro was not coming back.

He was dead and she was no more.

The Avengers had kindly taken her in after the battle with Ultron, and so far, she'd been cooped up in her new room. It wasn't until she heard Natasha and Bruce speaking from the floor below her that she finally stepped out of her room.

The energy that she had with Pietro was fading, like a burning match. She felt that hollowness in herself the moment Pietro was gunned down. It was like half of her body had died and gone completely numb.

As she listened in on Natasha and Bruce, she kept her eyes on Pietro's body. It was covered in a white sheet, but she could still see the crevices of his body, and his solid chest where it no longer rose with life.

With the devastating pain running through her body, she crawled back into her bed and closed her eyes. Tomorrow would be another day of the same thing, and she wished for a minute that she too were dead.

A world without her brother was a world she no longer wanted to live in.


Natasha placed her ear against Wanda's door and listened in carefully. When she was sure that Wanda had gone back to sleep, she walked back downstairs to the lab where Bruce and Pietro's body were waiting.

"Is she asleep?" Bruce asked her, and she nodded her head. "This isn't right, we shouldn't be doing this," he said to her, and she walked up to him and rested her hand on his arm.

"It's the only way that we'll get her to cooperate. If she thinks her brother is dead, she'll find solace in this team and help us. She's one of a kind, we could use her on this team."

"And him?" Bruce asked, looking down at Pietro's covered body.

"He'll live. Dr. Cho is going to fix him, and when he's back to normal, we'll bring him back to her. But for right now, she needs to think he's dead." Natasha stepped close enough to Bruce that her nose skimmed his.

Deep down, Natasha knew the damage that this plan could do, but she saw no other way. The Avengers needed Wanda Maximoff, and with the thought of her brother's death still fresh in the girl's mind, they knew she'd be stronger than ever.

"Let's hope this doesn't backfire on us."

"I'll make sure it doesn't," she said, and she placed a soft kiss on Bruce's lips.

"Okay, gross." Tony walked into the lab and scrunched his face up when he saw Bruce and Natasha kissing. "How is she doing?" Tony asked, pointing up the ceiling where Wanda's room was.

"Her brother is dead, how do you think she's doing?" she snarked, and Tony turned away. "She's growing angry. It's just where we need her," Natasha added, and Tony leaned against the steel desk behind him.

"Good. I'm starting to like her." Tony looked up, and Natasha and Bruce followed his gaze. "Scarlet Witch is just what we need."


A/N: Do not worry! Tony, Nat and Bruce are not bad! Right now it may seem like they have ill intent, but trust me, they don't. It'll all start to make sense as the story goes on:)

Chapter 1 of this story will come soon:)

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