Chapter 7

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I was suddenly aware. My senses were dull, but I wasn’t completely out.

I started getting the feeling back in my legs, but they were ice cold. They hurt really bad! It was like a million little prickers all over my legs. 10 times worse than your legs falling asleep. Feeling gave one hit away . . . I was somewhere freezing cold.

After feeling came back around it was smell, but there wasn’t much to decipher from that. When I took in a shallow breath from my nose I just smelt winter . . . ice, cold. Still not much more than I already knew.

Next was sound. I heard the wind blowing . . . off in a distance there was cars, but it sounded so far away I decided I was somewhere near a road, but not in site of a road.

Last my eyes tried to flutter open. There was something in the way. When I got my eyes open I saw white. Just white . . . everywhere. Then I looked up. I saw a dark sky, with little white dots falling. It was snowing. I looked around more. I was in the school parking lot . . . laying next to my car. I was so confused, shouldn’t I be home? Making dinner . . . what is going on.

Then I tried to turn my neck and I felt the sharp pain and the day’s events flooded back to me. And  a shocking fact came to my slightly numb mind:

  I’m alive? How is that even possible? I cannot be alive after that! I just can’t live through be bit by a vampire . . . right? Unless he feed me his blood . . . wait does vampire blood heal like in Vampire Diaries? I didn’t even know! I still had so many questions for Damon!

I tried to move, but I was so numb, so sore, so . . . frozen it was hard. After a few failed attempts I was able to roll on to my knees and open my car door. I crawled into the driver’s seat and closed the door. Just being out of the wind felt better for my skin. When I was a little more defrosted I found my keys in my cup holder and started the car blast the heat as quick as I could.

As I sat there trying to warm up to the point where I could function anything near normal I burst into tears. I was cold, tired , hungry and scared and I just really needed to cry. And I did. Boy, did I cry!

Then when I finally reduced myself to sniffles and all my joints were properly functional I put my car into drive and drove out of the parking lot and home.

When I got home I grabbed my bags and trudged inside, up to my room where I stripped out of my damp cold work-out clothes and got into the shower. The water was the hottest I had ever had it before and I refused to leave it until I could actually feel that heat. When my skin started to heat up I washed myself down and then sat in the bottom of the shower letting the water soak me.

I stayed in until I felt the water starting to cool down. Then I got up shut the water off and dried off. I wrapped my hair in a towel and walked out into my room feeling a little more like myself, but the pain in my neck was still throbbing. I wiped the mirror so I could look at my neck.

It was two clean dots. I watched my eyes widen in shock. It was so painful when he bit me . . . how could it possibly . . .

I stared at it longer, amazed. That’s when I noticed the slight discoloration around it. A bruise. The reason for the throbbing, obviously. I sighed giving up on my one person staring contest and walked into my room. I got dress in baggy sweatpants, a tank top and a sip-up sweater. I left my wet hair up in the towel to keep it away from my skin.

I sighed and looked at my clock.

“Nine o’clock!” I thought I was going to shout, but my voice was scratchy and it hurt my throat to talk.

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