Guess Who's Back

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Taraji's POV

I am the oldest of three girls. The middle child is Thandie Newton, and the youngest is Tamala Jones. My sisters and I are really close, and we value every chance we have to see each other. I think that's why I don't approve of my girls fighting or breaking the Sister Code. With me being the oldest, I have always felt the need to protect. Now that they have their own families, it's really hard for me to be their protective big sister. I know they are adults, but in the end big sis is big sis...Okay! Thandie lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband Richard and her two kids, Khole and Kollin. Tamala lives in Pasadena, California with her husband Malcolm. Tamala is a momma to three kids. Back in the day she was with her husband Clinton and had twins Chris and Ariya Brown. Unfortunately, Clinton died of cancer when the twins were two, and her life kinda went down hill after that. I don't wanna get into too much detail now because the past is the past and it's not something we like to bring up. Everything is better now... At least it was.
        I haven't seen Tamala in 5 months. Unlike Thandie, Tammy never stopped coming to me whenever she needed advice. I mean I am Taraji bitch! Anyway, since Castle picked up its eighth season Tamala and I haven't talked in a lil bit. I got a call from her the other day but you know I could tell something was wrong. She wouldn't say over the phone so we set up to go eat at The Ivy. I just pray to God it has nothing to do with Michele... her third child.

Phone Convo:

Tam: Sis where you at?

Me: I'm leaving now. Don't worry I won't be late...extremely late.

Tam: Mmhmm. You always say that, then yo ass be 30 minutes behind.

Me: Now look, don't over exaggerate. I said I'm coming right. I don't lie.

Tam: Okay... Look I got us an outside table, so hurry up.

Me: Heffa be happy I ain't get my perm yet, cuz then we would have a serious problem.

Tam: *Laughs* Whatever girl...

Me: But real talk, is everything okay. Does any of this have to do with Michael and Michele?

Tam: Um... We'll talk when you get here.

Convo Ends

Did that bitch just hang up on me? I think to myself. Before y'all get confused, let me explain. After Clinton died, his best friend Michael became my sister's right hand man. He helped her emotionally, mentally, and physically. He even helped with the kids. What my sister didn't know was that Michael had it bad for her, and when he expressed his feelings, Tamala rejected him. He ended up getting mad, kidnapping her, and raping her. We found him of course and got his ass locked up for 44 years. His bail was $6,400,000 dollars and you know he couldn't afford it. Sadly Tamala found herself pregnant. She wanted to terminate the baby because honestly, who wants a baby by their rapist!? Luckily she didn't and nine months later gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Michele. A year after Michele was born, Tammy found love again. She married her long time friend Malcolm. Malcolm is a cardio surgeon and a fine ass man. He understood Tamala's situations so he adopted Michele before she was old enough to know he wasn't her real father. Sixteen years later Michele is the perfect child.

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